Chapter 2- The Returning of Something Precious

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Chapter Two- The Returning of Something Precious

I followed Gabby up the pebbled steps to the big white door on Bloomsbury house.  The whole personality that the house oozed was the 'Happy Family' aura. You could smell the sweet aroma of the roses that were planted in the front yard perched atop the white picked fence showing passer byes the perimeter of their yard. It looked like they were trying to hard to be the picture perfect family you'd find in a celebrity A-listing magazine

I stood back off of the steps leading up to the house while Gabby pounded hard on it. The bitter smell of the roses constantly invaded my nostrils while the yellow light from the security light danced around my hair dyeing it a yellow color instead of its natural white. I went to take another step back when the door was flung open and a woman with dark brown hair snatched the girls arm.

"I knew someone kidnapped my baby! She's too smart to run away!" She yelled while glaring at me "Leon! I found the thief!!! She turned up on our doorstep!"

"Honey. . . Are you sure she would 'steal' Gabby?" a slightly overweight man with checkered pajamas and a tuft of ginger hair inquired

"I didn't steal your child... I found her shivering in an Alley way! So if you are going to accuse someone I suggest yourself because you must not be paying her enough attention. Now if you'll excuse me; I better be going," I turned to gabby "Goodbye, Gabby, it would be truly lovely to see her again." I turned and walked away fed up that they were accusing anybody and everybody but themselves. I was frozen when a frail hand encased my upper arm.

"I'm sorry for accusing you. Thank you for bringing her back to me. It means a lot. More than you could ever imagine," She mumbled softly from behind me

"It was a pleasure talking with her so don't worry about it. I really have to go now though. It was nice meeting you," I offered her a small smile before I turned and walked away from the snowy white door and turned down the street towards the orphanage I lived at.

I was walking down the dark streets with sleep capturing the edges of my vision when I spotted a large building with paint chipping off around the edges. If you hadn't known it was an orphanage you would've thought it was a run down abandoned house. The grass was sprouting up through the patches of dirt that were scattered throughout the entire courtyard. The orphanage was a murky yellow color with paint chipping off the edges around the corner. There were many broken windows with the flickering street lamp reflecting off the window giving you a glimpse of how terrible it was inside. A window, to the left of the shadowed door, was the door I would always sneak through to gain entrance into the locked building.

I was sneaking in through the window when, the caretaker of the orphanage, walked past with a glass of water in her hands surprising me. She never had a tendency of getting out of bed late at night so it was a surprise. I froze and held my breath as she grew closer. She was right in front of me when my foot slipped causing me to fall in a heap on the floor in front of her. She screamed waking up nearly the entire orphanage as I looked up at her, shocked.

"THIS IS THE LAST TIME, KAELIE! FIRST THING TOMORROW MORNING YOU ARE GETTING ADOPTED IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! YOU'VE SNUCK OUT TOO MUCH. I CAN'T DEAL WITH IT!" Ann screamed in my face. I felt my heart breaking. Ann was like a mother to me and for her to loose all hope was crushing. Of course, I wasn't going to let her know it effected me though.

"Do you even have someone who wants to adopt me? Because if you don't it's going to be slightly hard getting me adopted... For no one wants a freak you see..." I trailed off leaving her to come up with a solution

"Yes, I do have someone who wants to adopt you. I was going to tell you at dinner last night but I couldn't find you. Now get to bed, Kaelie, you can pack your things in the morning she'll be here by 9am so be ready." She left me to contemplate about her previous comment before she turned and walked back to her bedroom for the rest of the night.

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