Chapter 9- Unwanted Guest

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Chapter Nine- Unwanted Guest

I froze in his grasp unable to understand how he could know who I was. I could understand how he knew what I was; I mean I was just basically show casing it! But how could he know who? Everyone thought I was a legend and not one of those cool ones!

"Oh was that a secret? Sorry. . . Should have made it more clear it was a secret instead of dancing around in the middle of the clearing," He rolled his eyes at me before pushing harder against my arms.

"Who are you?" I questioned confused. In the pit of my stomach I could feel the nausea building up pressing against my ribs wanting to be free.

"We've already been over this. I'm Francisco and I like you," He smirked at me before leaning closer and pressing his nose against my neck. Now not only was my stomach turning from fear it was turning in anger.

No one can touch me in that was without my consent!

Pulling my hands up I placed them on his chest and pushed. Not enough to make him fall over but enough to make him stumble back a couple steps. His face flashed anger but I was too furious to care.

I lifted leg and sent it into his chest causing him to fall to the floor. Shifting my hand I waved it over his fallen form causing vines to wrap around his body and hold him in place. Walking closer to him I bent over his face and swung my fist across his face.

Upon hearing the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking I sent a disgusted glare at him before turning and walking away. Behind me I could hear his heavy breathing and slight moans of pain from my knuckles coming in contact with his face.

"Never touch me again," Once I was far enough away I turned and sprinted back towards the house. When I run, truly run as fast as I could, it was as close as I could get to flying without my wings out. I could barely see the trees as I soared past them or hear the stream from earlier just the rushing sound of the wind zooming past my ear.

I made it to the edge of the forest in a quarter of the time it took to get to the clearing. I slowed a little when I left the cover of the trees but my legs didn't break stride. When I reached the wooden porch I slowed just enough so I didn't crash into the glass door but didn't bother closing it behind me when I passed it.

The only signal I entered the house was my rapid breathing from my encounter with Francisco and the feather light tread of my feet. As I ran up the stairs I could hear the guys cheering in the game room because the door was left wide open. I ran past the door and straight into my room. Slamming the door behind me I started pacing.

"Crap. Crap. Crap," I let out the string of curse words before facing the mirror.

How could he know who I was? It wasn't that obvious, I mean I could have been mistaken for a witch or even a pixie I guess. My fingers knotted their way through my now tangled hair restraining me from smashing something in my anger.

And what the heck was that dream this morning? How- oh I know how they did it. Why though? Why would they contact me in the middle of my dreams? Does this mean they aren't really dead? What did mom mean when she said she 'approved'? Approved of whom? Of what?

"Kae?" I heard Aiden cautiously question from the door "Are you okay?" I was unwilling to share any of this with him. I barely knew him. What if he's friends with Francisco... He isn't telling me about him being a werewolf so why should I tell him who I am? "Do you want to come sit with us?"

I nodded my head while dismissing the thought of Aiden ever being friends with someone as vile as Francisco. Both him and Alice were way to nice to be involved with him. I followed Aiden into the game room where I saw the guy from math, Levi, lounging on the bean bag in the corner with a Xbox controller in his hand and Isabelle was sprawled across the ground watching the boys compete on the Xbox. Jack was leaning up against the couch with the other Xbox controller and Alice with sitting behind Jack with her legs curled up and her iPhone open.

"Hi, Kaelie," Alice called to me from the couch. "Are you hungry? I am, let's go get something to eat," She stood up knocking Jack off her legs and walked to where I was standing with Aiden.

Without waiting for my reply she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door and down the stairs into the kitchen. When we reached the kitchen she stared intensely towards me waiting for me to break and tell her what was wrong. There was just something about Alice that was amazing, she could tell what you were feeling without needing to ask and you felt like you could tell her anything because she won't tell a soul. Is this how other people feel when talking with me?

"What happened?" She commanded me leaving no room for discussion and causing me to just tell her the truth.

"I was walking through the woods and I came across a stream. I was fascinated by it and lost myself in thought just standing by the edge, thinking. Out of nowhere this guy came out from across the stream. He said his name was Francisco," Okay so maybe I made some of it up so she doesn't figure out who I am.

"You have to tell Aiden about him, Kae. He is really dangerous," Alice's eyes expressed only worry for my safety as she crossed her arms across her thin body.

"I'll tell Aiden about him eventually. Right now he has his friends over though so I'm not going to bother him," I made up excuses to avoid talking the subject over with Aiden.

"If you don't tell him I will." With that, Alice turned and ran out of the kitchen and back up the stairs toward the game room. I chased after her surprised at her speed and how quickly she ran up the stairs.

Alice shoved open the door milliseconds before I reached the top of the landing. The loud crash of the door hitting the wall left a resounding echo causing everyone to look our way.

"Francisco knows about Kaelie," Everyone froze just staring at Alice. I tried slowly backing away from the game room in hopes that I would go unnoticed and sneak silently into my room.

The loud outburst in the room made all the males in the room causing me to freeze with my foot in midair, stopping me to finish the slow trek to my room.

"Crap." -Aiden

"He'll kill her!" -Jack

"Where? When? HOW?" -Levi

"I've been looking for a reason to kill him," -Isabelle

I stared wide eyed at everyone's response not expecting any of them to be that protective. Alice walked into the room and sat back next to Jack on the couch.

"Levi... We have to tell her," tell me what?

"I have to ask my dad first," Ask about what?! I stood in the door giving everyone confused looks for a couple seconds before my attention was drawn to Levi and the slight nod of a head he gave Aiden.

"Madison, come sit down," walking into the room I sat perched on the sofa in case I needed to run. I'd only lived here for a couple of days. I wasn't 100% comfortable with anyone. "We've had a history with Francisco and his brother Valentino." Aiden starts before Levi cut him off as he stands and starts pacing the room furiously.

"That shithead kidnapped my sister."


Off to the right is Francisco

He's portrayed by Jeremy Kapone.

Hey long time no see everyone:D

So it's been so late... I've just had ALOT of stuff going on and so it took me a while to write this chapter.

Please don't forget to vote in the meantime and if you're feeling comment maybe?

Thanks, love you all 


Song Suggestion

Walk off the earth 'gang of Rhythm'


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