Chapter 11- The Epiphany

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Chapter Eleven- The Epiphany

~*~*Life through the eyes of Levi Marston~*~*

Kaelie was flying around the pitch as fast as us. I could see her fast approaching me just as the baseball was too. It soared above her head and landed in my glove. In front of me Kaelie froze while I smirked at her watching her internal debate.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a couple seconds, Kaelie started to move. I got ready to throw the ball back to Bob who was on third base only to have Kaelie slide through my spread legs.

The smirk fell off my face a my uncle's loud voice boomed around the silent pitch. I shook my head at the gutsy girl I had come to know over the past month or so.

Opening my mouth I went to congratulate her on her home run when she rolled over onto her back between my legs. My breath hitched at the dirty thoughts that ran through my mind. My eyes trailed down her toned body before settling on her face. The light hitting it at just the right angle making her look angelic.

'Shit. I sound like a girl' I thought to myself. However, every single cohort brain wave went out the window the moment her soft hand connected with mine. I could feel heat rush through my fingertips and around my whole body warming me.

'Crap!' Shocked I let go of her hand almost causing her fall to ground. As soon as I let go of her hand it was like the whole pitch sprung to life. The dumbass cheerleaders screeching about the win and the guys from my team groaning about loosing to girls. I mean could they not see she and I were having a moment? Those bitches.

Cursing under my breath I turned and sprinted away from the pitch and Kaelie. I ran to the only place I knew I could sit and think in silence. I ended up in the car park to pick up my car and drive to my house where I could sit by the pond and mull things over in silence.

About ten minutes later I pulled up to the only home I had ever known. I pulled my keys out of the ignition and headed around the back of the house to the pond and hanging swing. When I was younger I used to like to come and sit watching the stars and fish swim for hours on end at night. But that all had to end when Francisco, that dickhead, kidnapped my sister.

I didn't tell Kaelie the entire story since she's just a human and I didn't want to scare her away.

When Florence was ten she was kidnapped by the Cacciatore brothers. She was missing for three days with no trace to where she could possibly be. On the third and and final day, just as I was reaching the end of my patience, an unknown wolf ran onto the edge of our territory. Dad was already pushed over the edge so he ordered the guards to attack with no mercy.

Just as the guards went to attack, the unknown wolf shifted into Flossie. She collapsed on the ground exhausted from running. Her arms, torso and legs were littered with horrible cuts. Blood was matted into her hair causing it to be indistinguishable.

She's had a bodyguard by her side every second of every day since then. Florence was the first child ever to shift four whole years before the normal age. Since then she's been able to see glimpses of the future.

"Levi?" I recognized the soft voice that called my name and pulled me out of my angered haze. Turning my head I saw my fifteen year old sister across the pond with concern etched on her face.

"Hey, Floss. Why're you out of school?" I asked suddenly alert thinking Francisco attacked the school

"Relax, bro, I got bored, ditched my guards and came home with the excuse that I had terrible period pains," I made a face before turning and laying horizontal across the hammock and patting the empty spot next to me so she could sit down.

"Fair enough. . . Does dad know you're home?" I asked as she started around the pond towards me.

"Does dad know you're here?" She questioned while finally getting to my side of the pond.

"No I just got here," I said while squeezing Floss into my side.

"Ah.. So why'd you skip school?" Florence mumbled into my arm

"Because I just found something amazing out."

"Shit!" As soon as the swear word passed Florence's lips I was reprimanding her for her poor choice in language.

"Don't swear, Floss. Guys don't find it attractive."

"Sorry. Anyway; are we moving?!" Flossie asked slightly panicked.

"No, Floss, we're not," I chuckled "I found my mate less than an hour ago. . ."

"Really that's so cool! Do I know her?" She asked.

"You know of her. It's Aiden's new sister, Kaelie."

"Sweet! Where is she?" She asked looking up at me.

"At school. As soon as I found out I kinda ran straight here. . ."

Her hand hit me in the stomach as she yelled "Oh my god, Levi! That's such a jackass thing to do!!"

"It's not my fault! I freaked out! I don't know what to do, Floss!" I mumbled pressing my face into her hair.


"Why what?" I asked confused.

"Why'd you run, Levi?" She asked with such authority I was frozen for a second filled with pride.

"Because she's human. . ." I mumbled feeling slightly guilty.

"LEVI PHILLIP MARSTON! You absolute jerk! That's the equivalent to racism! Imagine how she feels! Getting all those weird ass tingles only to have you run away! She must feel like a freak! Did you think about that?" Flossie stood up and started pacing in front of me.

"But I have to put the pack before any personal feelings, Floss! I can't just let a defenseless human help lead us! Because not only will she not understand she'll be a target for rouges, hunters, and any other enemies!! I couldn't protect you but I'll do a damn good job protecting Kaelie or die trying. Damn it!" I ended up yelling and tangling my hands into my hair and leaning on my knees with my head facing the ground, frustrated at myself for being such a dick.

"Levi," I looked up at my younger sister "fate put you together for a reason. You have to teach her about us, not abandon her. If she couldn't lead and protect the largest pack in Central America then you wouldn't have been put together," Flossie said softly.

"When did you grow up and get so smart, sis?"

"When you became a dumbass," Flossie giggled before jumping back on the hammock.

"I'm still going to reject her though, Floss. It's for her own protection," I sigh unhappily with my conclusion.

"You'll end up together, bro. I can see it," Flossie's voice was full of confidence as we sat together gently swinging in the hammock. Forgetting all our worries and listening to the water lap against the edge of the pond.

This was for the best. It's the only way I could protect her.

'Shit. Not only have I found my one and only souls mate but I've rejected her on the same day'


To the right is Florence Marstons aka Flossie

She's portrayed by Emily Rudd.

Okay so you may or may not have noticed that I changed the title... It's mostly because whenever someone asked me what the name was I couldn't actually pronounce it so this is easier for everyone I suppose:) it was originally 'Angelous Tou Thanatos' which meant 'Angel of Death'

I hope you enjoy it and DON'T FORGET TO VOTE:P please and thank you very much :)

Cheers all:)

P.s EIGHTEEN DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY WOO! 15 years old here I come :P


Song suggestion

Plain White Tees 'Hey There Delilah'


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