Chapter 8- The Mysterious Man

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Chapter Eight- The Mysterious Man

Sitting in the car next to Aiden I was still trying to get over what happened in Math. I understood what Alice was talking about when she said that they were creating chaos. Because that's exactly what they did. After Miss Scott left the room to collect her pens they dumped Gatorade all over her chair and turned the circle that was drawn on the board into a vulgar drawing of a man's reproductive utensil. They hid the white board eraser so she couldn't remove it from the board and whenever she turned her back they made disgusting sexual movements behind her back.

"Is that what happens every lesson?" I asked unable to comprehend their ability to keep it original and exciting even if it was a bit cruel.

"Nope," Was his simple reply that left me confused.

"So they don't do that every lesson?"

"No they do other things too. . ." I turned staring at him in shock as the country side next to me flew past at sixty miles per hour.

"Wow. . ." I mutter in amazement.

"Yeah... Anyway when we get home-" he stared before I cut him off.

"When we get home can I explore the woods behind the house?" Behind the house was an ocean of greenery. A stark contrast to the real ocean I had as a view back in St. Augustine, Florida.

"Yeah sure, the guys are coming over so if you want we could come with you," For some reason I found myself objecting to that idea before my brain could comprehend the decision my body made. "Um.. Okay, if your sure. Be careful though."

I lost focus on whatever Aiden was saying and mindlessly stared out the window until the familiar drive had me waiting on the edge of my seat; excited to be out in the woods for the first time since my last encounter with pre-phase Mac.

By the time Aiden slowly got out of the car I was already rushing up the stairs eager to get out of my school clothes and put on sweatpants, sneakers and a tank top that I could easily maneuver in.

Fifteen minutes later, I was running through the yard feeling as light as a feather with the reassuring pounding of the key jumping on my neck. My powers were already reacting to my excitement. The trees provided shade from the harsh sun and already worked wonders on cooling me down. In the distance I could hear the soft hum of the steady river. Oak and pine cones drifted into my senses putting myself at ease and the wind ruffled my long tousled hair blowing it in my face.

I always liked the feel of my hair whipping around myself as I worked with the wind. I felt as if, if I were to tie it up it would be working against the wind and it would be counter-productive.

I knew it was dangerous but I needed to feel the steady beat pounding like a drum as my powers coursed throughout my body shooting through my fingers and out the tips. The sparks mixed with the air and leaves blowing gently around me leaving my fingers with a gentle tingle and a warm feeling.

Turning around in a circle I was stuck on which way to go. I let the smile slid over my face as I sped up the spinning and shut my eyes tight closing off all the light getting to my pupils. Jerking myself to a stop I held my arms out to gain balance before setting off in the random direction I had frozen facing.

I took off running in the direction and ended up in the middle of an open valley surrounded by trees. Laughter bubbled up and out of my lips as I finally let my powers loose.

Around me I could feel the speed of the wind pick up with my will and drops of water hit my face. I threw my left arm out and fire flew out searing the grass. Seconds later water danced over the seared part rejuvenating it and bringing it back to life. Twirling around I let the water fly out of my hands like an Olympic gymnast.

I realized that I came out here to practice not dance around so before I knew it I was flipping across the garden kicking and punching imaginary creatures. On my wrist my mark was pulsing from the use of my powers. Resting in my palm was the ink design that only shows when my powers were in use.

It was of a plant on fire showing that no matter where I am; God would always be with me. Towards the bottom of the shrub there were light blue lines swirling around the birds. A dove was drawn delicately to surround the word Faith, Hope, and Joy as it soared up towards the shrub. A cross resided next to the doves.

It was what gave me my pulsing feeling and always provided warmth that very few people can achieve by themselves. When I'm so exhausted I can't function or just weak the ink fades so it was barely noticeable. But that only happens when I'm really exhausted or too weak to move.

About half an hour later there was sweat dripping down my neck and down the front of my body. I was in the middle of an extreme workout when I heard rustling in the shrubbery surrounding me. I turned slowly with my ears intensely listening for any signs of movement.

Spinning around in the opposite direction I was surprised to see a man resting there with his arms crossed against his chest. He had on an old blue denim jacket on top of a white tank top. Black jeans were tucked into the top of combat boots and in between his lips was a cigarette. Around his neck was a decaying claw and a small container attached to a different string.

The unknown man pushed himself off the tree while blowing out a puff of smoke towards me and fixed, with the other hand, his messy black hair. He slowly walked around me like a lion stalking a gazelle. My eyes flicked to the back of his head trying to catch what he was but I couldn't see anything which set me on edge. Everyone has a color. People who don't should be treated very, very carefully because not only are they dangerous, they could be hiding something terrifying.

"The name's Francisco, and you seem like my kind of woman," He smirked at me before dropping the butt of the cigarette on the ground and stomping it out with the heel of his boot.

"That's too bad because you don't seem like my kind of man," I replied, my mouth automatically tilting down in disgust as I caught smell of the smoke drifting towards me.

"What a let down, because I'm looking for someone like you," He smirked at me before stopping right in front of me.

"Why? Who are you?" I questioned with apprehension.

"I can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare," He smiled towards me. It looked like he was trying to be warm but I could still see traces of insanity on the edges.

"That sounds like a line from a cheesy old movie," I forgot for a moment where I was because the next thing I knew I could feel the bark of a tree pushing insistently against my back and Francisco's hand was closing around my neck.

"That was rude. I think you should apologize. I was just trying to be your friend," He paused for a minute "Plus, I know what, and who you are"


Oooh cliff hanger :P

Levi to the right

He's portrayed by Nate Garner.


Song suggestion:

Magic 'Rude'


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