Chapter 4- Goodmorning?

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Hailey's POV:

I woke up the next morning and found myself wrapped in Tyler's arms. It felt good, and I felt safe. I began to carefully slip out of his hold on my, and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I step out wrapped in a towel, and head into the bedroom again to look for some clothes. I stop dead in my tracks when I notice Tyler laying on the bed staring at me.

"Well good morning beautiful" he says to me as he makes his way over and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back, but the pull away. "Good morning. Could I borrow some more clothes just for today?" I asked. I watched Ty nod his head, and go into his drawer and grab me some clothes. "Babe, you can borrow my clothes any time you want." he said. I smiled at him, then took the clothes and went back into the washroom. "Thanks!" I mumbled.

Tyler's POV:

As soon as Hailey headed back into the bathroom, her phone rang so I picked it up for her. I read the caller ID said Sean. I furrowed my eyebrows, who the heck could Sean be.

"Hello?" I said, speaking nervously into the phone. "Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck is Hailey?" he yelled back through the phone. Oh no this couldn't be good. I cleared my throat and began to talk again, "I'm Tyler Seguin, Hailey's boyfriend. And you are?" I said back in annoyance. Just as I was saying that, Hailey walked out of the bathroom, and wrapped her arms around me, but she noticed I had her phone and she gave me a questioning look. I mouthed "Sean" in reply, and she gave me a terrified look, and stepped back a couple steps.

Something about him was obviously bugging her, and I needed to know why. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Sean spoke again. "YOU'RE HER WHAT? I'm her boyfriend, I can't believe that slut is cheating on me." he yelled again. Sean had yelled so loud that Hailey was able to hear, the moment she heard his words she started to cry and ran back for the washroom.

I had to do something, so I yelled back at him. "Listen, I don't know who you are or what you want with Hailey, but I'm her boyfriend now, which means you have no right over her. Goodbye!" I said, then quickly hung up and ran for the bathroom.

I knocked on the door a couple times, and all I got back was Hailey's sobs. I continued knocking and still nothing, so I rushed over to my bedside table and took out a key. I went back to the bathroom door, and unlocked it. When I walked in I saw Hailey sitting on the floor with blood pouring out of her wrists. I rushed over to her.

"Hails, c'mon lets get those cleaned up and bandaged." I said calmly, I didn't even have to ask, I already knew what she did to herself, and I don't think asking any questions would help. She looked away, and continued to cry. I had no choice, she wasn't cooperating and there was more and more blood pouring out from her wrists. So I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her wrist and carried her out of the bathroom, and off to my car.

As expected, Hailey didn't do anything. She just stayed still, helplessly in my arms as I saw the colour drain from her face. I also noticed she looked a little dizzy and looked like she would pass out any second. I buckled her into the back seat, and got into the drivers seat. As soon as I was in, I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I was scared that Hailey was going to die.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at the hospital, and I took Hailey into my arms and ran in as fast as I could. She already passed out, and soon she wouldn't be with us. I informed the lady at the front desk about Hailey, and her face was full of concern. She rushed to get a doctor or somebody to help Hailey. Almost immediately the doctors came out and took her from me, I stood there watching as tears came into my eyes. I just couldn't lose Hailey.

Hailey's POV:

I woke up again, and looked around. This was definitely not Tyler's bedroom I thought to myself, and once I looked down at myself I knew where I was. I didn't have much time to process what was happening because the moment I sat up and realized where I was, was the moment I was bombarded with a hug from Tyler. "Oh my god Hailey you're okay!! I thought I lost you." he said, he sounded so relieved but you could still see the worry on his face. I tried my best to smile at him, and hugged him back.

"I'm okay, and I'm still here... but I shouldn't be." I said, but whispered the last part, but Tyler still heard it. "Hailey, I need you here with me. I can't go on without you, and your friends and family need you too. Whatever's going on you can tell me, and I promise I'll make it better. But that's only if you don't leave me." he said. I was on the brink of tears again, Tyler really did care about me. I smiled back and wiped away my tears. "I promise I'll stay." I said back, and soon after I said that, Tyler leaned in and kissed me.

After we pulled away, Tyler handed me a glass of water and I began to sip at it while he sat back down and began attacking me with questions. "Hailey, I don't mean to bring this up but, who's Sean? Why does he say he's your boyfriend? And why does he sound like he wants to kill you?" he asked. I closed my eyes and sighed, Tyler had to know.

"Sean's my ex boyfriend. I caught him cheating on me about last year, and I broke it off. He was mad and started abusing me, every time I tried to break it off with him, he'd only hurt me more. Until one day, my mom noticed the marks and bruises he left on me, and called the police. He was released a few months ago, and ever since then I've been getting threat phone calls that he'd come and kill me if I don't go back together with him." I told Tyler. I hated Sean and hated everything he did to me, telling Tyler about this did make me feel better, but I did let a few tears slip.

Tyler sat on the bed with me after I finished talking, he took my hand with one of his hands, and used the other to wipe away my tears and brush my hair out of my face. After he came up close and kissed my forehead. I felt so safe and comfortable with him around. When I looked at him though, I could see the anger written all over his face, and the worry in his eyes. I was about to say something, when Tyler spoke. "I can't believe he'd do such a thing. Who in their right mind would hurt their own girlfriend? Especially you. Look, I know you're scared but with me around, I'll keep you safe. I won't let him get to you, and if he dare comes and finds you, I'll deal with him." he said, as he smiled at me. Oh how much I loved his sweet smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

Then he sat back down on the chair, as I lay back on my pillows again. "Thanks Ty, it really means a lot to me." I said while giving his hand a tight squeeze, as he returned the squeeze with a smile. His smile was to die for, and I was caught blushing, and looked away. He noticed and laughed a bit, why was he so perfect? I thought to myself. "So when do I get out of here?" I asked. I didn't want to stay in this stuffy hospital any longer.

"We can leave right now, if you want actually." Tyler told me, as he stood up and reached his hand out to help me off. I smiled brightly at him, I was glad to be leaving here, and glad to be leaving with Ty.

Tyler took my hand, and took me over to the couch in the hospital room, and handed me a bag. "What's this?" I asked taking the bag, and looking in it soon realizing it was clothes for me to change into. "Oh it's just a dress I bought you to wear for today, since I figured you didn't want to be stuck wearing my clothes all day." he replied, and smirked at me. "Well you certainly have good taste in clothing, and what do you mean all day?" I asked, curiosity was building in me.

"Well.. I had something planned out for us today, since I figured you wouldn't want to spend the day alone. But we don't have to do it if you're not up for it." he told me, with a saddened look thinking I wouldn't want to go. I giggled, and gave him a sweet smile. "Of course I'd love to go out with you today, but where may I ask?" I said. "It's a surprise, go get changed and we can go there now." Ty said, and with that, I ran off into the washroom to change for our day together.

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