Chapter 18- I'll Never Let This Go

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Tyler's POV:

I got home at around 5pm, and once I walked in I heard Hailey talking to someone on the phone. She gave me a quick glance before walking off. I just headed straight to my room and grabbed a bunch of suitcases and started packing my clothes first.

After that I took my suitcases downstairs and started packing up any pictures or memorabilia I had laying around. I was almost done packing when I came across a picture of Hailey and I. It was from backstage at that Simple Plan concert I took her to one time as a surprise. That was probably the happiest moment I've ever felt in a while. I took the picture and packed it in my suitcase.

I looked around once more before loading my stuff in my car. I tossed my keys onto the table and drove off, but before I pulled out of the driveway Hailey ran out and started banging on my windows. I immediately stopped the car and rolled down my window.

I was still upset from earlier so I just stared at her until she spoke. "You forgot your wallet in the house" she said as she tossed my wallet through the window and walked back inside. After that I didn't even bother saying anything to her, I just rolled up my window and started driving towards the TD Garden.

On my drive there I felt my phone vibrating, I pulled it out to see it was Brad calling me. I sighed as I picked up, realizing I had to tell him sooner or later. "Hey" I said trying to sound as upbeat as possible. "I thought you were going to stay here in Boston?" he said and I could tell he was upset.

"I've changed my mind. I think it would be a good opportunity for me to go to Dallas, besides the Bruins organization doesn't even want me here" I said when the truth was I hated the fact that I was going to Dallas, but I had no other choice. "What about Hailey?" he asked, clearly he didn't know about our break up.

"Don't worry about it, we decided to take some time apart from each other. It's a mutual thing." I explained. "What's gotten into you you Seguin?" Brad asked just as I was pulling into the parking lot. "It's complicated. I'll call you later, bye" I said and hung up before he could ask me anymore questions.

I got out of my car and walked into the TD Garden, taking a moment to enjoy my last few moments here as a Bruins. I was walking around the stands, admiring our Stanley cup banner when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. I turn around to see it's Coach Julien.

"Hi Coach" I said and smiled as I sat down at one of the seats and gestured for him to sit down. "Now Tyler I have no idea why you're doing this, and it's not too late to change your mind I-" Coach Julien began to say but I cut him off. "No sir, my decision is final. I'll miss being a part of the Bruins organization but I think I have a wonderful opportunity in Dallas" I said trying my best to hide the pain I felt when saying those words.

"Alright if you say so. Goodbye Tyler and the best of luck to you, Boston just lost a hard working player today, but Dallas got lucky as well." Coach said and smiled as he stood up. I stood up too and smiled, he stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand and gave him a confused look. "Until next time, only we'll be seeing you in a Stars jersey" was all he said before he walked off.

I stood there for a moment longer before I decided to go back to the locker room and gather my things from my stall before I went to catch my flight for Dallas.

I entered the locker room and I couldn't help but shed a tear. I was really going to miss the feeling of walking in here every morning for practice. Being greeted by my teammates, my friends. I'm gonna miss Brad telling me cheesy jokes first thing in the morning, or Bergy telling us stories about how his girlfriend dragged him around all day.

I sat down in my stall for a while. I'll miss hearing Coach give us instructions on what to improve for our next game, or maybe if it's him making a sarcastic comment to one of Brad's jokes. I'll miss seeing the fans wearing my jersey and cheering me on as a Bruin. I'm really going to miss Boston and it didn't hit me until now.

I put my face in my hands as I thought about everything that happened in the last 24 hours. Hailey and I were planning on a future together, here in Boston. Now I'm flying off to Dallas, starting my life over again and she wants nothing to do with me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door open and looked up to see it was Patrice who came in. "Hey Seguin, what are you doing here?" he asked as he walked over to his stall and got a box. "I just wanted to see if I had anymore tape for my stick" I lied, I didn't want him finding out I was leaving for Dallas in a couple hours. "I see" he said as he stared me down, he probably knows I'm lying but he's going with it anyways.

"So what's in the box?" I ask as I start packing my stuff behind his back. "It's my engagement ring. I'm gonna propose to Stephanie tonight" he said and smiled as he walked over to me and showed me the ring. "Wow man congrats!" I said as I picked up my bag and started heading out of the locker room.

Patrice followed me since our cars were parked next to each other. Once we reached our cars I turned around to say goodbye to Bergy but I turned around to instead see him leaning on his car with his arms crossed.

"You're not coming back are you?" he said quietly, woah didn't know Bergy would get this emotional suddenly. I didn't answer him, instead I nodded my head. "Why Tyler?" he asked and sounding hurt. "It's complicated" I answered him as I put my bag in the back trunk. "You're leaving your teammates, your closest friends! And you're not even gonna say goodbye, or even tell us why you're leaving." Patrice yelled.

"Look I'm sorry. Patrice you gotta believe me, I'd love to stay but I just can't." I said back, only quieter. "So try and explain it to me, why do you have to go?" he asked. I knew he wasn't going to leave me until answered him so I decided to tell him.

I closed my eyes and sighed, "Hailey and I sorta broke up. I don't know why she broke up with me, but I know she wants nothing to do with me. She even told me to go to Dallas, so I figured if I was so unwanted I'd just leave" I said as I unlocked my car and got in before Patrice could attack me with more questions.

I started pulling out of the parking lot but I heard Patrice yelling my name. I rolled my window down and looked at him. "Bye Patrice" I said as tears were rolling down my face. I then pushed the gas pedal and sped off. I had to get out of here.

Hailey's POV:

I was sitting on the sofa watching tv when my phone rang. I read the caller ID to see it was Patrice Bergeron. "Hi Patrice" I said and smiled. Out of all the guys on the team, Patrice and I really bonded. I knew I could tell him anything.

"What's going on with you and Seguin" he asked, and right away I felt my heart ache. To be totally honest I was just as upset about this whole situation as Tyler was but it was for the best. "Nothing, look Bergy I'm sorta busy right now" I said trying to end the call but Patrice had more to say.

"He's heart broken and you're telling me it's nothing?! Hailey the man started crying in front of me, and you and I both know that Tyler's got a thick shell and doesn't cry in front of others. Especially his teammates. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was upset. He's leaving the freaking city and you're sitting there telling me it's nothing?!" Patrice yelled through the phone and that's when the tears came.

Letting go of Tyler was the one thing I hated most, I loved him so much but I just couldn't go through with the wedding. I knew my brother Zach would get involved and possibly hurt Tyler and I couldn't allow that.

"P-patrice, I'm s-sorry" I stuttered and it was clear by now that he knew I was crying. "Hailey I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm just trying to sort this out" he explained and I just kept crying. "I-it's okay, I gotta g-go b-bye" I said and hung up as I flung myself onto the sofa and sobbed into a pillow.

I just wanted Tyler back. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms and feel safe again. I thought about the last time I saw him, when I ran out of the house to give him his wallet. I thought about how much I wanted to kiss him but I controlled myself and threw him his wallet. It pained me when I did it, and I could tell from the look in his eyes that it pained him too.

A/N: Oouu Hailey's true feelings are spilling now! What do you guys think? Will Hailey and Tyler get back together? Comment what you think about this chapter and what you think is gonna happen! You never know I may decide to use your ending ;)

Haha anyways I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I hope you like the story so far, I tried updating as many of my stories as much as possible so you guys could read happily over the holidays :p Anyways comment, vote and fan! Love you all <3 -Kat

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