Chapter 17- Say Goodbye

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Hailey's POV:

Tyler and I were having a great time trying to chose a wedding venue, wedding cake and all sorts of stuff for the wedding when my phone rang. That's when my laughing came to a stop as I sighed when I saw who was calling. "Ugh excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back" I said which earned a concerned look from Tyler but he shrugged it off when the cake samples arrived.

I let out a little giggle before walking away to answer my phone, it was my brother Jake. "Hello?" I asked as I answered his call. "Hey Hailey, just wondering when you were planning on telling your family you're engaged" he said harshly. "How the hell" I started to say but Jake cut me off. "Save the bullshit. You're not gonna marry that lowlife piece of shit" Jake yelled through the phone.

Those words he said had shocked me, my knees grew weak and I fell to the ground. Tears were falling from my eyes as my breathing became uncontrolled. Everything started spinning and got blurry but I was able to respond to my brother's comment before blacking out.

"Shut the fuck up Jake it's my life and I do what I want. Tyler's cared for me more than you, mom or dad has ever. He actually loves me and I love him, I'm marrying him and if you don't like it then I don't care cause it's not my problem" I managed to say before my arms grew weak and I collapsed on the ground.

I must have made a loud thud when I fell cause just before I blacked out I heard Jake yelling my name through the phone and saw Tyler rushing towards me. "Hailey? Hailey? Oh my god Hailey!" Jake yelled through the phone.

Tyler's POV:

I heard a loud thud and turned around to see Hailey collapsed on the ground. I immediately got up and ran over to her. "Oh my god" I said as I took a good look at her. She passed out, and had tears in her eyes, she wasn't moving and if I didn't do something soon she wouldn't be breathing.

I heard someone call her name from her phone and picked it up to see the caller ID read Jake. I remembered about the last time Hailey spoke about Jake was when we went to drive him home when his car broke down. She was pretty upset now and I bet I know who's behind all of this now.

"What the hell did you say to her?" I asked as I put the phone to my ear. "Me? You lowlife son of a bitch ruined her life. She deserves better than you" Jake said rudely. "We're done here" I said as I hung up and quickly picked Hailey up and brought her to my car.

"We'll finish this another day!" I yelled before running out and speeding towards the hospital. I know they say you should call the ambulance if things like this happen but I just couldn't wait.

I rushed in there and once I got to the hospital I ran in with Hailey in my arms yelling for anyone to help me. Finally a doctor came up to me and took Hailey from me but I only think it was to shut me up.

He told me to stay in the waiting area and that he'd update me as soon as possible.

It's been half an our and still nobody's come out to inform me of anything, I began pacing around the hallway. I never felt so worried for anyone in my life. Finally after pacing for what felt like forever a doctor came out of the room to talk to me.

"Mr Seguin, it seems that Miss Bennett here has been in mental shock. It's not common for many people to have her condition but it happens. Has anything shocking or out of place happened to her lately to trigger this?" Dr Nolan asked me. I thought for a moment and that's when it hit me.

"Hey brother Jake called, it sounded like they had an argument." was all I said before Dr Nolan nodded his head in understanding. "It seems as though it must have been some argument to put her in that much shock and stress. I'm guessing she grew weaker and weaker as the argument went on. And soon she just couldn't bear it anymore and she literally broke down." he said as I had a shocked expression on my face.

"Oh not to worry Mr Seguin, Miss Bennett is up and awake and you can go see her right now" Dr Nolan smiled and patted my back as he left me alone in the hall. I stood there for a couple more minutes before I convinced myself to go in there and see Hailey for myself.

"Hey there" I smiled as I took hold of Hailey's hand and sat down next to her. "Hey" she smiled as she turned her head and looked at me. "How are you feeling?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I'm good, look Ty there's something I wanna talk about" she said, very hesitantly I might add. "Alright. shoot" I said flashing her my biggest smile.

"I don't think it's good that we see each other anymore" she finally said as she looked away.

I didn't know what to feel. I felt upset, angry, shocked and confused. I instantly let go of her hand and stood up so I was now hovering over here. "What? Why?" I asked trying to keep my voice down.

"I can't explain it right now, but I just think it's for the best. I'll come by later tonight to pick up my stuff then I'm moving in with Gwen." was all she said before she got up and left the room.

I stood there shocked, what the hell could've happened to make her feel this way?

I ran out of the room and chased after her, I needed answers and I needed them now. I finally caught up to her at the end of the hall and grabbed her wrist. "What is it Ty?" she asked, obviously she was annoyed with me.

"What about us? What about everything we've been through?" I asked trying to fight back my tears. I really thought Hailey loved me, but right now it didn't seem that way. I mean she didn't even shed a tear. "Just leave me alone okay? Go to Dallas, save the Bruins the trouble of having to make another contract." she said bitterly before stomping away.

That's all it took for my heart to be broken, I don't think I could ever love someone as much as I love Hailey. But I don't think I could forgive her either. I guess she was right, I should just go to Dallas and start my life over there, it would be better for the both of us.

I walked back into my car, but just before I got in I saw a couple standing behind a silver chevrolet with their arms wrapped around each other and they were laughing. I looked even closer to see that the girl was Hailey. How could she have moved on so fast? I mean just a couple hours ago we were planning our wedding together.

I got into the car and before driving away I made a call. "Tyler?" came a very familiar voice when they picked up the phone. "Hey Coach, I've changed my mind. I'd like to go to Dallas, so don't go through the trouble of making another contract. I'll get my stuff tomorrow and be on my way" I said and hung up before Coach Julien could talk me out of this.

I took one last look out the window to see Hailey with that other guy, as a tear rolled down my face. I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back to my place to pack up my things. Goodbye Hailey, Goodbye Boston.

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