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Anabia's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed, thinking and thanking Allah for how perfect my life has been, when all of a sudden I heard someone shouting downstairs. I immediately tied my hairs and went downstairs to see a tall sturdy man standing with his back facing me in the sitting area with a gun pointed to my father's head. I gasped and that was enough sound to grab everyone's attention.

The man turned around and if it hadn't been him pointing a gun on my father's head I would've drooled all over him, he was that handsome. Tanned skin, chocolate brown hair, blue piercing eyes and a great physique. He was every girls dream man. 

"W-what is h-happening here?" I stuttered. "Go upstairs dear." My mother said trying to maintain a calm voice but failing miserably. "No she doesn't need to go upstairs. She needs to know what we were discussing here. After all she has the right to know right?" The man said in a deep voice. My my that voice, its so beautiful. 'Shut up Ana! What the hell are you thinking he's a criminal who's pointing a gun at your fathers head.' My conscience scolded me.

"What is going on? What do I have to know? And most importantly why are you pointing a gun at my father?" I asked gathering courage in me. "I want to marry you." He said. "What?? Are you mad or what mister? Why in hell would I marry you?" I said. Now that definitely made me furious.

"Hey hey calm down. You have to marry me or else your family will suffer." "Who the hell are you to tell me who I should marry??" I yelled at him. "The biggest gangster in town. Kashif. I'm Kashif dear. Does that ring a bell?"

Oh no! He's Kashif as in Kashif Ali. No no no this can't be happening. I was shocked. I couldn't utter a word. "I want to talk to my would be wife alone." He said or more like ordered. My father tried to raise his voice but I blinked my eyes and assured him that he won't do anything and after that they left the room.

I looked towards Kashif and stuttered, "W-what have we done? What do you want from us? Please leave us alone." "I want you dear. I want to make you mine. You're mine." "No! I'm not a property that I'm yours. And no way in hell am I going to marry you." "You have to marry me or else your family will suffer and you know what I'm capable of doing so do as I say and your family won't be hurt." "Please leave us alone please I beg you." I said crying. "No I want you. Its your choice whether to marry me or see your family dying."

"No! I-I-I'll marry you." I told him stuttering. "That's my girl. The nikkah will be held tomorrow at 3 be ready to be my wife." He said smirking. He went to the other room and told them about tomorrow then left. As soon as he left I fell on the ground and started crying. What have I done Allah what have I done to deserve this? I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong. Please forgive me and take me out of this mess.

My family tried to comfort me but it was of no use. I slowly stood and went to my room, shut the door and cried endlessly. I don't know when I went to sleep, but was woken up by the loud banging on my room's door. I stood up and tied my hairs loosely and opened the door to be met by devil's face.

"Ahh my wife's awake. Well then get ready cuz in an hour its our nikkah. Here's the dress and yes remember if you try anything then you know what will happen." He said and left. I went back to my room and looked in the mirror to be met by the most ugliest sight. My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, my face was stained with tears. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, did wu'du then prayed namaz and asked to Allah to do what's best for me in dua.

After that I went to have a shower and changed into my wedding dress leaving everything on Allah's hand. The dress was beautiful. I'd be happy to wear it if my wedding wasn't happening forcefully.

I sat on my bed thinking how my life had turned upside down. If two days before anyone have told me that I'd be getting married to a gangster in two days I'd have laughed in their face and told them that they were stupid or idiot to think this.

I was so busy in thinking that I didn't heard my mom coming inside. Her eyes were also red and puffy just like mine. As soon as she came towards me I hugged her like my life depended on her. I cried on her shoulder and she rubbed my back soothingly. Then she said "beta they're here and trust on Allah okay?" "Yes mom I know." "Good girl." She said and smiled a little smile and then led me downstairs.

I went into drawing room and saw my father standing with my brother in corner and the devil sitting on sofa with the qaazi. Although me and my brother don't go along so well we still love each other like hell and are always there for each other in hard times, but I know today he also can't help me.

My father came towards me and kissed my forehead, then whispered "I'm sorry beta." While tears came running down his face. I wiped his face and shook my head to tell him that its not his fault and not to cry. He then led me to the sofa and I sat beside Kashif.

As soon as the qaazi started the nikkah I went into another world. I was so lost that I didn't hear him asking me whether I accept it or not, Kashif nudged me to say something and I was like "huh" then the qaazi repeated himself, "beti kia aap ko ye nikkah qubool hai? (Do you accept this marriage?)

I hesitated at first but then replied "jee qubool hai. (Yes! I accept.)" This was repeated three time and I replied the same and then i heard a roar of congratulations throughout the room. Yes now I'm married to the biggest gangster of town, Kashif Ali, whom I loathe.

Yes! 1st chapter finally written I hope you guys like it. If you do then vote and comment please and nothing is copied in this story its all my efforts. If something is same then its a coincidence. If you don't understand something then don't hesitate to ask. Thnx :)

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