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For a long while they both just sat there, hugging. Then, Kashif removed himself from her and wiped his tears, then muttered, "It's okay if you want to leave me, after hearing all this. I understand." On hearing this, Anabia immediately placed her hand over his mouth. "Stop saying such things, I am not leaving you ever. Do you understand that? You're stuck with me forever." She replied in a stern voice.

Once again, Kashif hugged her. "But, don't expect that I won't punish you for hiding this from me." She continued and he groaned. "On a serious note, when are you taking me to meet the kids?" She asked, removing myself from him.

"Whenever you want to go." Kashif answered. "Then can we please go there tomorrow itself." She pleaded in the cutest tone she could muster, so that he couldn't deny, and it worked. "Okay we'll go there tomorrow itself." He replied.

The next day, Anabia forced Kashif to go with her to the mall, so that she could buy all sorts of gifts and delicacies for both the kids, even when Kahsif insisted that it wasn't needed, she just dismissed him saying that she's meeting the kids for the first time, and it was important for her. Hearing that, he became quiet and followed her into the hundredth toy shop she was taking him into.

After about three hours of shopping, and buying at least dozens of things they were now finally headed towards Kashif's mother's place where the kids were staying. "Okay so tell me more about them?" Anabia asked. "What do you want to know?" questioned Kashif. "Everything." Anabia replied. "You do know that you've asked me this question now for the thousandth time since last night right?" Kashif said, sarcastically, and it was true. Ever since she got to know about them, she has been nagging Kashif to tell her all about the kids.

Seeing her enthusiasm to know more and more about kids made him happy, and somewhat relaxed as well. He didn't need to worry about leaving the kids with her, he knew she'd take good care of them, if they were to come and live with him. "Hey!! Where are you lost? I asked you something." Anabia brought him out of his thoughts. "Hmmm... nothing, so you were asking about Saif and Aroob. What more do you need to know? I already told you everything!" He replied to her.

And, indeed it was true he had told her everything that she would need to know about them last night. He told her that his baby boy's name was Saif and his angel's name was Aroob. They both were five years old, and were extremely well behaved kids except for the occasional pranks that they played on their grandmother which were harmless, but still whenever they did something wrong he'd scold and punish them, so that they wouldn't become spoiled as well. He never raised his hand on them, he just couldn't even when they hid his mother's glasses which led her to fall from the stairs.

"So tell me how they're towards each other?" Anabia asked him. "Oh they love each other alot, and Saif is extremely protective of Aroob, just like I was of Asma. Most importantly, they love Adam alot, he is their favourite uncle, because he brings them lots and lots of chocolates." Anabia smiled hearing Kashif speak so fondly of his children. How could she be upset about him having kids even before marrying her? Though, she was definitely upset on him for hiding this, but she could never blame him for having them.

Thirty minutes later, they were outside a beautiful mansion, perfect for a family. Kashif parked the car in the driveway, and they both got out. The house was luxurious, as well as had a homely feel to it. Kashif rang the door bell, and after a few seconds the door was opened by a maid whose once forced smile immediately turned into a lusty and flirtatious one on seeing Kashif. Seeing this Anabia was seething, but remained quiet and took note of her dressing. She was wearing a typical maids outfit, but the skirt she was wearing was the shortest skirt, that practically didn't even cover her butt, and the shirt that she was wearing was two sizes small and revealed a lot of cleavage. Her face was caked with makeup.

On seeing Kashif she lowered her already small shirt more to reveal the already revealed cleavage more, and bowed slightly to greet him. At this point Anabia was seething in anger. She immediately jumped in front of the two and smiled cheekily at the maid, "HI! Can you please show us the way inside, instead of trying to flirt with my husband." She said. "Sorry, I-I didn't know he was married, I am sorry Ma'am." The embarrassed maid replied, and instantly led them into the dimly lit passageway which led to the hall of the mansion.


Hey Guys!

A short update for you guys, sorry for being late, but I've been really busy lately and I had a writers block

So what do you think  about the chapter, do let me know.

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Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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