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He turned around on that voice shocked and said, "you!" I turned around with him to see a lady standing there next to a man. She came towards us and engulfed Kashif in a tight hug and Kashif reciprocated the action and I must say the jealousy was eating me up.

I coughed to let them know my presence and they broke apart. Kashif looked towards me, held my hand bringing me beside him and grinned "Saman meet my wife Anabia and Ana meet my dearest cousin Saman and her hubby Khalil." I smiled at them and moved my hand forward to shake with Saman as I felt stupid for thinking like that about them.

Instead of shaking my hand Saman engulfed me in heart warming, bone crushing hug. "I'm so happy to finally meet you. Kashif told me a lot about you." She said excitedly and I blushed.

"But what I don't understand is why did you marry secretly Mr.?" She said trying to glare at Kashif but failing miserably. "Uhh its a long story actually yaar I'll tell you later." He replied. "You better." She said sternly.

After a little conversation an announcement was made and we all settled down on our reserved places. After sometime Kashif went on stage to give a speech and then couples were called for the dance o of the evening.

After dancing a little with Kashif we moved around the hall meeting with other people.

A woman of about 20 came to us with a man of around 35 and I must say she looked like a total slut. They came towards us and I felt Kashif beside me stiffen. The woman smirked mischeviously and the man beside her said, "well well look who we have here. Mr. Kashif with his kitten and I must say she's beautiful." Kashif squeezed my waist tightly and gave me a sign to not to speak. He tightened his hold on me then said,

"What do you want Mr. Faris?" "Oh me? No I don't want anything dear I just want you to introduce me to this pretty little girl beside you." "She's. My. Wife. Not. One. Of. Your. Sluts. Mr. Faris." He replied gritting his teeth and I stood in one spot saying nothing.

"Hello Kashif its really nice to see you again baby." The woman beside him purred. "Now what do you want Natasha?" "Oh nothing baby you know what I want." She smirked. "Oh I know really well. You're such a bitch I know what you want and mind it you won't get it you backstabbing bitch." Kashif said angrily to her and I never saw this form of Kashif.

"Ohhh my Kashif is angry tsk tsk. Don't be angry baby I have a great solution for your anger and I know for sure you'll like it." She purred again. "Just shut up Natasha and leave me the hell alone I don't know why you came in front of me again."

"You know very well darling." "Just get the hell out of here or you'll regret it later." Kashif said and Natasha left with her toy smiling mischievously.

"Who was she? And what was she saying that you know what she wants? And do you know her?" I asked feeling really confused.

"Uhhh let's talk about it sometime later." He said dismissing me and moving forward. I let it slide for now knowing that he won't tell me about it and needs time and went with him to meet other people here.

It was nearly end of the function and to say I was tired would be an understatement. Well I was hell a lot a tired and really needed to pee.

"Umm Kashif." I nudged him.


"Ummm I need to use the restroom I'll be back in sometime."

"Okay I'm waiting be back soon we have to leave as well."

"Yep em just coming." I said and went towards the way where the restroom was.

After doing my business I came out of the stall and saw Natasha standing there. I really didn't like her, she gave me bad vibes. I ignored her and started washing my hands.

"Well well well look who's here." She said.

"If it isn't the bitch who stole what's mine."

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Yes bitch you! You stole what's right fully mine."

"What the hell? I didn't even knew who you were until today."

"You liar!" She screeched and slapped me. "You stole him from me, now look what I'll do to you, you whore. You stole my Kashif from me. He's rightfully mine." She screamed at me.

"O hello madam watch your tongue, he's my husband he's nothing to you bitch so let us live in peace you insane woman."

"You just wait and watch. I'll steal him away from you what's mine is mine and always will remain mine. Just wait n watch." She said and went outside the restroom.

I stood there fuming in anger, then washed my face and hand thankful for the waterproof makeup I'd done on myself. After relaxing a bit I went outside with thousands of questions swarming my mind.

'Who is she? What relation does she have with Kashif? Why was she saying he's hers? What is this mystery? And why does she want him so much?' I thought.

Just then Kashif appeared in front of me. "What took you so long?" He asked. First I thought to tell him but then I stopped myself. "Nothing I just lost the way." "Ohhh well let's go now shall we?"

"Yeah! Let's go." I said and he led me towards the exit.

That night I couldn't sleep and questions lingered my mind. "Who is she? Why does she say I stole what's her? What relation does she have with my husband? And what does she want? Hmmm I guess I'll just have to find out." I thought before drifting into a dreamless and uncomfortable sleep.

Hey guys!!

First of all happy independence day to all Pakistani's and in advance to all Indians.

Now sorry for the really late update em really really busy these days so now in have decided that I'll update once in two weeks cuz now my studies are getting tougher and I can't manage my time.

Thank you for bearing my pate updates and not stop reading this story readers.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys :)

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