Truth or Dare

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"Minji! It's time for school!" My mother yells from down stairs. I rub my eyes open and start yawning. I hate mornings. After five minutes of rolling around in my bed I jumped up and walked to my bathroom. I washed my face then took a quick shower. I grabbed my school uniform and got dressed. I pulled my hair back with a black headband. My long brown hair went passed my shoulders. It was starting to grow out from my last hair cut. I grabbed my book bag and ran down stairs.

"Don't forget I won't be home for five nights. The company is traveling to Busan this week and I'm on the list. I need this promotion Minji, we need the money." My mom gave me a worried look. I just smiled back and started eating my breakfast.

When I finished eating I kissed my mom goodbye and gave her a tight hug goodbye. "Promise me you'll be fine. You know I've never left you home alone." She said. I could see her hiding her teary eyes.

"I'm going to be fine mom. Now I've got to go." I gave her one last hug and ran out the door. My house wasn't that far from my school so most days I walk. My school has mostly rich kids, which is a joke since I'm dirt poor. And it's not like I got in for good grades. I wish. But it's more like this school is own by my uncle. My father's brother. He said I would start attending here last fall, at first I thought he was crazy. I thought I would stand out but it seems no one has noticed me. Even my teachers get my name wrong all the time. But I actually like it. I don't want to stand out. I like being quiet in my own little world.

When I got to school I was shocked to see so many students standing outside the building. Was school cancelled or something? I looked over to see a classmate of mine and asked her.

"What's going on?" I asked. She seemed shocked I even talked to her. It took her a few seconds before finally answering me.

"These boys locked everyone out the school. I don't know why though." She said. I looked around the school to see in a window a few guys standing in a classroom. They were laughing and cheering. After a few minutes they walked to the window and looked down below. One seemed to look at me then the rest did. Even one started pointing. I looked behind me to see a group of girls standing behind me. It must be them they are pointing at. The doors open and I walked inside my school.

Jimin's POV

Me and the guys lay in our hideout bored. I mean so bored, Taehyung is playing with the dust. Namjoon is playing with a string and Jhope is playing with a eraser. I jumped up scaring them all.

"Let's do something fun. It's so boring." I snapped.

"Hide and seek." Taehyung volunteers.

"No we aren't six." I said. He looked down disappointed.

"Truth or dare." Namjoon request. I snapped my fingers and said yes. We all sat down on the floor. I grabbed my soda bottle and took the last sip. I started spinning the bottle until it landed on Jhope.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth." He said.

"Who is the best kisser in the whole school?" I asked. He took a few minutes and then answered.

"Sowon hands down. Just thinking of her gives me chills. She is amazing kisser. I'm now thinking of calling her tonight." Jhope said. We all let out a small laugh.

Jhope spun the bottle until it landed on Namjoon.

"Truth or dare." Jhope asked.

"Dare." Namjoon said with a smirk. Jhope thought for a minute and then gave a evil smile.

"I dare you to lock all the doors in the school." Jhope said. Namjoon took his dare and locked all the doors. We ran back up to our hideout and played some more. Namjoon spun the bottle. Next was me.

"Truth or dare." Namjoon asked.

"Dare." I said.

We heard a noise and walked to the window. We started laughing as we seen four teachers trying yo unlock the doors. Students started walking up and looking around confused.

"That's your dare." Namjoon said. I looked up confused at what he was pointing at. All I could see where a group of girls.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"That's Minji. I only now her name because we are lab partners. But she is quiet and shy. Also really cute. I tried flirting with her but it didn't work. No guy has ever touched her. If you can get Minji to sleep with you. I'll give you my car." Namjoon said sarcastically. I smiled widely.

"This will be the easiest dare. I'll be driving your car by next week. I mean I am the number one playboy in this whole school. I've hooked up with almost every girl here. This will be a piece of cake." I said.

I looked back down at her. She looks easy, and pretty cute. I'm going to win this dare.

How is my first Jimin story?


I have rewrote this probably a hundred times. I was just having so much trouble. But I hope this story is good.


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