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I've been swimming around in the water with Jimin for what seems like years. At one point I even looked down at my fingertips to see raisin looking fingers. I giggled a little and just went back to swimming around. Why is the water so nice today? I feel like I could swim in here for forever.

"Minji. Swim over to me very slowly." Jimin said in a panicked yet calm voice.

"What! Do you see a snake? I knew I shouldn't have got in here!" I yelled swimming as fast as possible to him. He started giggling pointing to a piece of tree limb behind me. I turned back around hitting him a couple of times as he kept laughing.

"Jimin sometimes I really hate you." I said. He grabbed my hands preventing me to hit him anymore.

"And sometimes I really want to kiss you." He pulled me in to a kiss. A long and sweet kiss. One I never wanted to end. Oh he's so smooth with these.

"I think we should get out and get dressed. I've still got one other place for us to go." Jimin said jumping out the water. He held out his hand waiting for me. Once I got out I was cold. Jimin handed me a small white with a yellow pocket shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Aren't you going to change?" Jimin asked. He reached inside his bag pulling out his clothes. He started off taking off his shirt.

I'm not ready to see him naked! My inner thought said.

I turned away blushing.

"No way I'm changing here. I'll go behind a tree." I said backing up.

"It's not like I've not seen you naked before Minji." Jimin teased. I could even feel his sassy sexy smirk behind me. I turned around trying to ignored my blushing flaming red cheeks.

"What?" I turned around to see him laughing. I walked up to him grabbing his collar.

"What do you mean you've see me naked?" I snapped at Jimin.

"Remember when I had to go and use the bathroom after you took a shower. Well when your towel fell-" I cut Jimin off by hitting him. He just kept laughing until I pushed him into the water again.

"Pervert!" I yelled at him. He got out the water dripping from head to toe.

"It really was a accident Minji. I respect you to not do anything like that." He seems sincere but it still doesn't get him off the hook. I walked behind a tree and change clothes. Once I was done I found a dry towel drying off my hair. Jimin was packing up our things as he stayed quiet.

"Are you ready?" Jimin suddenly asked.

"Yeah." I said walking with him. We started walking back to his car as I heard a noise. I got closer to Jimin holding his arm. This place is extremely beautiful, but scary as well.

"Are you scared?" Jimin teased smirking back at me.

"No." I lied. I suddenly felt something and screamed as loud as my voice could go.

"Minji. It's just a butterfly." Jimin said laughing. I opened my eyes to see a small blue and purple butterfly on my nose. I looked at the small insect and smiled. In a few seconds it flew away with its other butterfly friends. I looked over at Jimin who was smiling brightly at me.

What a wonderful day this has been. I patched things with Jimin's dad and Jimin took me on this beautiful date. I feel like I can fly. It's so magical. I feel like a princess and Jimin is my prince.

Jimin drove us to a small concert that was happening down the street. A handful of people gathered around to watch the wonderful singer sing.

"Wanna dance." Before I could answer Jimin pulled me close and moved along to the music.

"So once again you out did yourself Jimin. Another wonderful date I've had. Spending time with is just wonderful. I really thought you were just this annoying person who just slept around with every girl. But since I've been with you, it's like you are a completely different person. Yes you may be cocky, smart ass, and annoying. But that's what I love about you." I was looking deep in his eyes as we danced. Saying those words out loud felt like I was handing him my heart. Which I was.

"You are truly the first girlfriend I've had. So yeah sometimes I may seem a little annoying when I spend to much money on you. But what I like is you don't use me for my money. You like me for me. And yeah sometimes you can be straight forward, but loveably. That's why you are my Minji bear." He pulled me in closer kissing my forehead. I just smiled as the singer played another song.

I'm truly lucky.

Hopefully this chapter was good.
The next one is going to be more dramatic and crazy.
Things are going to go down.

Anyways, thanks for reading.


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