Our World

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The next day I woke up with Jimin beside me. He wasn't breathing hard but he was making a cute little noise in his sleep. I couldn't help but stare at him as he peacefully slept beside me. Why did you do it Jimin? I'm willing to forgive....but I still can't forget. I know now I need you the most...but just looking at you hurts to. I know you love me, I'm not dumb. But no one understands how much it hurts.

It hurts, knowing the guy you loved only dated you because you were the most pathetic girl in high school. That he only did it to sleep with me. I actually felt myself cry right before Jimin as he still slept next to me.

"If I let you back in...please don't hurt me again." I said as now my slight crying turned into a deep cry. "Bec-because I love you Park Jimin. With all my heart. Please don't break my heart again." I reached over touching his cheek gently with my thumb. I watched as his eyes slowly open up showing his still sleepy eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin asked. He reached over using his bloody jacket sleeve to whip my tears.

"Because I miss you." I mumbled still crying. I'm like that, once the tears start, honey you'll get a full stream of them.

"Will you be my Minji bear once again?" He gave me a soft smile showing his kind heart through his eyes. Can I? Can I trust you with my heart again? I want to, and yet I've been hurt in the past. But...with Jimin...things seem different. Jimin gets my heart beating, he's the drums to my heart. Everything to me. Without him....I feel empty....lonely.

"Yes." The word just came out, without even thinking it over some more. But once Jimin pulled me into a kiss....I knew I made the right decision.

A soft kiss that was just a sign of caring was starting to turn into a deep, breathtaking kiss. Before I knew it I was rubbing my hands through his hair as we started getting closer. I thought of doing something...more mature but completely failed when Jimin screamed out in pain.

"What the hell did you do?" Jimin's lip started to bleed again as he tried running to the bathroom. I on the other hand was already crawling back under the covers because of the embarrassment I was feeling. My cheeks are burning hot! I feel like one look at Jimin and I might explode.

Why did I think biting his lip would be a good thing? He just got punched! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I can't believe I was doing something like that to begin with...let alone in the situation I'm in. But Jimin just makes me lose it sometimes. I'm not saying I'm going to go as far as has sex with him right now...but maybe a little more then a kiss.

"Okay it's all better now after I put some medicine on." I heard Jimin mumble walking back into my room. "Hey Minji...were you biting my lip on purpose?" I can't even see him and yet I can see his smirk. I closed my eyes tighter as I felt the bed sink in from his weight.

"Minji. Oh Minji." Jimin called out playfully. I smiled for a second before I felt the covers be jerked from my body.

"Jimin!" I yelled jerking them back.

"Aw! Your face is so red!" Jimin said trying to jerk them back. I kept a good grip until I saw him crawl underneath them. I then tried jumping up but Jimin held me down.

"Can we just stay like this..please. Just for a little while. I feel like I'm in my own world, and you are the only one left with me. Under these covers I feel like you are safe. That you are-"

I kissed Jimin as we laid there. It wasn't a strong kiss like I did a few minues ago, but a soft one. Still I made sure to hold him tight before I even thought about closing my eyes again.

"I'll stay....just...just please don't break my heart again." I mumbled reaching down to grab his hand. His fingers interacted with mine as we laid there together under the covers....in our own world. A world where I never wanna leave.

so that's it for right now. I'll have another chapter hopefully up this week, but I don't know yet. my mom has more doctor appoments this week, but I will try and sit down and write some more.

              Thanks for reading!

                  Anyways,              Thanks for reading!

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