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I woke up to the sound of knocking. Not again. I thought. He wakes me up to early. I started pulling the covers over my head and found myself falling asleep again.

"Wake up!" Jimin said jerking the covers off me. I quickly pulled them back up as I remember myself only wearing short shorts and a little tank top. I felt my cheeks burn as I looked up to see him blushing.

"How did you get in my house!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him.

"You are so predictable that you put a spare key under the welcome rug." He said laughing. I watched him set the spare key on my desk pulling out my desk chair.

"Where is your family?" He asked twirling around in the chair.

"My mom is on business." I said sitting up still wrapping the covers over me.

"Dad. Siblings." He said as he stop twirling.

"Don't have them." I said yawning.

"You don't have a dad? No sister? No brother?" He looked sad saying those words.

"Nope. My dad died awhile back. My mom was going to have another child, but lost it."

I could see him tearing up. I didn't think he would walk over and hug me.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's fine. Really Jimin." I said.

He pulled away smirking.

"I know you are strong. I just thought it would be a good excuse to hug you in that tank top." He said still smirking. I grabbed my pillow and kept hitting him until he was out my room. I closed the door locking it so I could get dressed. I grabbed a gray sweater and wore black skinny jeans.

"You still dress casual yet still look good." Jimin said looking me up and down. I felt my cheeks burning once again. I walked to the fridge grabbing ingredients to make pancakes. I started grabbing a bowl when Jimin grabbed my hand.

"Can you show me how to make them? So that maybe I can make them for you one day." He said smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Sure." I said.

"Can you hand me the eggs?" I asked. Once he handed me the eggs I showed him.

"So pancakes are very easy to prepare. Just add eggs, flour, milk, and baking powder." I said putting the ingredients into the bowl.

"Then you stir." I said stirring constantly.

He watched amazed as I poured the batter to the hot skillet. Immediately it started fizzy causing him to move back.

"After a few minutes you flip it over. Wait a few more minutes and then it's done. One nice and ready hot pancake!" I smiled putting the pancake on a plate. I made three more. Giving two to Jimin and two for me. I fixed two glasses of juice and we started eating.

"These are so delicious! You are a amazing cook Minji!" Jimin said eating another bite.

"It's super easy to make. I just learned it from my mom. She's the real cook. You've got to try some of her food! I probably bet it's way better than those cooks can cook!" I said.

"Wait. I'm sorry." I apologized looking up.

"Why are you apologizing? I really want to try some of your moms cooking. I bet it's just as delicious as these pancakes."

"I didn't want you to think I was being rude saying it would be better than your cooks cooking. They are probably amazing cooks."

"But it's not homemade. It's special that you cooked these, and if your mom cooks. Because it's from the heart." He said putting his fork down.

"I'm glad you liked the pancakes." I said smiling.

"I do like the pancakes, but I think I like the person who cooked them even more." He said getting closer to me. Before I knew it his lips met mine. I sat there still for a moment star shocked.

But then I went in for the kiss. I felt Jimin's hand travel to my back and the other under my legs. Still kissing me he picked me up bringing me up to my room. Sitting me down on the bed. He was now on top of me. I was still kissing him as I felt his hand on my leg. I don't think I'm ready. I started panicking in my head. I pulled back to see a disappointment in his eyes. But then he smiled.

"I understand and I'm completely fine with it." Jimin said getting off me. I sat up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I just don't think I'm ready yet." I was wondering if I was making a mistake until he grabbed my hand.

"I never want you to feel uncomfortable with me. So I will never push you to do anything you don't want to. I'm just glad I can call you mine." He said kissing my hand. I stayed silence as we sat there for what seemed like a lifetime.

But I'm willing to live a lifetime with Jimin.


So things were starting to get a little to hot and steamy. 😏😏😏😏

But I'm really loving these two characters!

I hope this chapter was okay.

Thank you for reading it☺️☺️☺️


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