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The next morning Jimin was right on time to pick me up. I woke up pretty early to cook something nice and simple to also bring. It wasn't much but the thought is what counts my mother always says.

"Why am I shaking?" I said to myself.

"It's fine to be nervous. And don't worry about Scarlet. Around this time she's always getting her hair done. So she won't be able to get to you." Jimin said grabbing my hand. I finally felt relaxed.

Once we pulled up to his drive way I got out with confidence. I can do this. Jimin walked me inside his living room calling his dad down. About two minutes later he walked down the stairs holding a glass of water.

"Jimin. What is going on here?" His dad asked. Before Jimin could speak I walked up to his dad falling on my knees.

"Sir I'm truly sorry for what happened. I just tripped on the curtain falling. I would never mean to do what I did to your beautiful sculpture. Will you please forgive me?" I said. Silence. It was a long silence before he spoke.

"I can forgive you on one count." Jimin's dad said. I looked up to see his kind eyes.

"Yes sir, anything." I said. Just please don't ask to repay the cost. I barely have enough for my lunch.

"Get off your knees. Young ladies don't get on their knees." He smiled holding out a hand. I took his hand standing up. His smile was just like Jimin's. Warm and kind. I looked over smiling at Jimin. He was smiling back.

"I was about to have lunch if you would love to join us?" Jimin's dad asked.

Jimin walked over grabbing my hand smiling at me brightly. We walked into the dining room sitting down. His dad sat at the end while me and Jimin sat on the right side of the table. A minute later a man cam out with three plates. I was expecting some huge dishes I couldn't even pronounce but instead I was served soft tofu stew.

"Please forgive me. It's one of my favorites." Jimin's dad said smiling brightly. He started eating his lunch. Under the table I felt Jimin grab my hand.

"See he's a good man. Just when he's not around Scarlet." Jimin whispered in my ear. He was right. It's like his dad was a completely different person without Scarlet around.

We laughed about some embarrassing stories and chatted about upcoming events. Like our graduation coming up and what we were planning for the future. I told Jimin's dad I was thinking about being a school teacher or maybe a nurse. Jimin said he was still thinking about what to do. It was nice having a dad around. The bond I see in between Jimin and his dad makes me smile. Times like this I really miss mine.

"Honey!" Both me and Jimin looked at the doorway to see Scarlet. Behind her stood a man holding ten or so shopping bags. Her smile faded as she seen me.

"Scarlet dear. Minji here dropped by apologizing about the sculpture. I told her I except her apologize." Jimin's dad said

"Oh really." Scarlet spit. I got up from the table walking over to her.

"You can't get rid of me that easy. I'm not going anywhere." I said just enough for her to hear.

"Well if you will excuse me dad. I would love to take my girlfriend on a date." Jimin walked over to me grabbing my hand. I told his dad goodbye as we walked to Jimin's car.

"I can't believe I just did that." I smiled so bright it was hurting.

"You are a strong girl like I thought." Jimin walked over to me pulling me in for a kiss. I felt his hand on my lower back pulling me in deeper for the kiss.

"So are you ready for a special date I have planned?" Jimin asked. I couldn't help but smile as we walked to his car. I'm truly a lucky girl to have a boyfriend like Jimin.

So I made this chapter and hopefully it's okay.

Thanks for reading!


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