New Friend

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On Thursday Jimin took me shopping after school. He said that after school tomorrow I would have to hurry and meet him for my hair and makeup appointment. I know it's out my comfort zone but if Jimin wants me to attend, I'll go.

"Jimin this is the tenth dress. Do you know how hard these are to get on and off. It's not fun." My tone was starting to get angry. We've been here already for an hour and every dress I try on Jimin says it's either to much, or to little. I swear I'm going to meet his parents not the president.

"Jimin I promise this is the last one." I walked out the dressing room with a red dress on. It was a little to short and my breast were popping out.

"Even though it looks good on you, and I like." He said smirking.

"It's not appropriate to meet my dad." He said standing up. Easy for him to say. He's been sitting in the chair, saying no after no. These dresses are hard getting on and off and I'm tired of standing.

"Excuse me but do you have any pastel or soft pink evening dresses." Jimin asked the woman. She walked away snapping her fingers.

"Why pink?" I asked.

"When Hannah picked you out the pink dress you were dazzling in it. You've never been told pink is your color." He said picking at the dress I was wearing.

"I have the perfect one!" The woman came back yelling. She pulled me back into the dressing room and helped me into the dress. Before I could look myself in the mirror she pulled me out to show Jimin. Once I walked out Jimin's mouth dropped.

"This dress just came in yesterday. It's by a top designer and the only one in the country." The woman said. Jimin walked over grabbing my hand. He started looking me up and down which made me blush. He then turned me around to face the mirror. I almost cried when I saw the beautiful dress on me.

Usually I dislike these kind of dresses but when I saw myself in it, it was to much. It wasn't over the top but it wasn't boring either. Everything about the dress is perfect. I started twirling around in the dress as my smile got bigger and bigger. I could see in the reflection Jimin smiling.

"Please tell me you love it as much as I do." Jimin said.

"It's so beautiful. I love it." I reached behind hugging Jimin.

"Okay and what about some simple pink heels." Jimin said to the woman. She ran off coming back with a pair of pink heels. I took off the other heels and placed the other pair on. Unlike the ones before they were extremely comfortable.

"This is the one! It's perfect!" Jimin said to the woman. She lead me back to the dressing room to change back into my school uniform. Once the dress was off she took it and the pair of shoes.

"Can you go back to my car and get my wallet please? I seem to have left it behind." Jimin asked me. I nodded and started walking outside to his car. I checked the front seat but it was nowhere to be seen. Then I started checking around the whole car.

"Oh my god!" I panicked. I started opening the the glove compartment. Nothing.

"All ready." Jimin said walking to the car with two bags in his hand.

"Ready? How did you pay for that? I thought you left your wallet in the car?" I asked in confusion. He just smiled brightly putting the bags in the car.

"I'm not going to hide anything from you. So I sent you to the car therefore you couldn't see how much the dress and shoes were. If you seen the price tag you would have a stroke." He said opening his side of the car door.

"How much Jimin?" I asked.

"It's not important. What is important is that I will have the most beautiful girl by my side at the biggest party in years. I'm so lucky." He said. I open my door and jumped in.

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