Nice To Meet You?

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Minji's POV

I looked at my clock to see I only had a hour to get dress, which meant I had to hurry if I wanted to be ready on time. I quickly blow dried my hair and started curling it. As I waited for the curls to form I did light makeup. If Jimin said this is a small party and I don't need to dress up, well then I'm going comfortable. After my curls were done I got dress, wearing a simple sweater and a black skirt with my favorite black boots.

Finally after that I was ready to go

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Finally after that I was ready to go.

Jimin's POV

As we drove to my house Minji didn't speak a word. I believe she's mad at me, for what reason I don't know. Don't girls love it when boys save them from falling. She should be hugging me, well not right now I'm driving. But instead she's completely ignoring me.

"I'm sorry for being concern when I hear someone fall. Next time you fall I won't be there to catch you." I said taking a turn down my street.

"You know you only did it because I was half naked. You only ran up there to see me like that." She snapped. Her cheeks were red as a tomato as I looked over at her. She looks cute when she blushes. I bet I can really make her blush.

"But baby I've already seen you naked." I said smirking at her. I thought she would just yell at me but instead she reached over hitting me.

"Hey! I'm driving here!" I yelled as the car started swirling. She stop hitting me and sat back in the seat. She kept her eyes out the window until we pulled up into my driveway.

"Remember the evil step mother and wicked Hymi will be here, so stay close at all times, okay." I told her. She gave me a smile before grabbing her purse. Before she could even grab her door handle I was already out the car next to her door. I opened her car door reaching out for her hand.

"Gentleman, I see." She teased as I closed the door. I couldn't help but smile as she held onto my hand as we walked inside my house. Every year my dad has this small party with his closest friends, colleagues, and family members. As soon as we walked through the door I was grabbed from behind.

"Jimin be looking good all dressed up." Jhope teased me as he picked me up.

"You look really pretty Minji." Namjoon said looking at Minji. I started to wiggle out Jhope's arms and walked over to Minji. Even though Namjoon I my best friend I don't want him commenting on my Minji.

"Thank you Namjoon." Minji said smiling.

"I found the champagne!" Taehyung sung as he walked up. He held in his hands a tray full of champagne.

"Are you the waiter tonight?" I laughed at Taehyung.

"Make fun of me all you want. You just won't get none. Here you go Namjoon, Jhope, and for the beautiful Minji." Taehyung handed them all one glass of champagne. He then sat the tray down holding two glasses in his hands. He started drinking the one as he smirked at me.

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