you are my hero

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"oh my god," i backed away covering my mouth. this isn't happening.

Kyle just smirked in response. he didn't look surprised at all. in fact, he looked satisfied. but well, of course he would be, i danced sexily with him. "damn, i didn't know you could move that smooth." he said, walking circles around me, making me feel more uncomfortable.

"leave me alone, Kyle." i warned, but the shaking of my voice didn't seem like it was meant to be a threat.

suddenly he picked a strand of my hair and sniffed, inhaling deeply, "you smell nice." he praised in a deep voice, and it sounded near to my ear, "and the hair suits you. you should look like this more often."

i don't understand, why is he acting like this? when i first met him, he was all sweet and funny, but this? i don't like this version of Kyle. "what do you want?" i ask.

"oh nothing." he hummed, letting go of my hair. "i just want you."

"well, can i ask you why?" huh, i need to keep calm.

"because you're pretty, and you can be really hot when you want to." he smirked, stopping to stand in front of me. "and trust me, I'm a very possessive of things i really like."

i could feel my heart beating fast. stepping back, i turned around and walked away, not caring where i'm going as long as i'm away from that psycho.

with that, i ended up heading upstairs. the hallway was filled with people, either making out or drinking beers and talking with their friends.

god...i look like the lone loser trying to make way to go through the hallway, and maybe check for an empty room so i would hide in there.

so far, the doors I've opened has already been occupied. either fully making out or being high with drugs, and i swear if i couldn't find any unoccupied room, i would join them and get high as well, because they invited me.

just as i reached the last door to the hallway, i was already expecting it to be occupied with another making out couple, but as i opened the door, i didn't expect that i  knew the person. "so this was your complications, Luke?" i asked, making him to stop to turn towards me.

i expected him to apologize or anything, and i was ready to forgive him. even if i caught him making out with some girl when he was supposed to pick me up.

don't ask. I'm a really nice person.

Luke just look at me with his emotionless look and shrugged. turning back towards the girl and continue to kiss her.

i looked at him in disbelief. what the hell? what just happen? did he really just treated me like i didn't exist? i groaned, arguing with him seems to be useless right now. maybe liking him seems to be a big mistake.

i slammed the door shut and went to join the other room and get high. they were scattered around the room, smoking weed. one of them passed the weed to me and i accepted it.

3o minutes later, i was high as a kite. i was laughing at something that isn't funny. i don't even care about Luke anymore. all that matters is i have to party.

gulping down three cans of beer, i once again joined the dance floor, but this time, i made sure to dance with someone that isn't Kyle and also dancing in front of me instead from the back.

and right now, I'm dancing with this gorgeous guy with sun tanned skin and jet black hair. i wrapped my arms around his neck as his snaked around my waist.

i didnt even asked for his name before my lips crashed into his.

and then everything else was a blur...


i was dreaming...

i kissed this guy...and then we went into a room...he pushed me onto the bed...we're both on the bed...everything was getting very tense...

i opened my eyes and quickly sat up. my eyes took a while to clear up. the sun was shining through the window, indicating that it was already morning. "i'm going to be late for school," i said to myself as i climbed down the bed.

i was surprised when looked down to my bare legs. only wearing my underwear.

i messaged  my temples, feeling a headache appearing. i saw my jacket and jeans lying on the floor, and slowly the memories from last night came.

i was at a party last night, got drunk and danced with Kyle, and then i ran away and found Luke making out in a room and then i went to join the drug addicts and get high, and the get super drunk and danced with a cute guy, and....

my eyes widen in horror as i turned around to see a guy has been sleeping at the same bed as i just woke up on. i jumped from the bed, horrified.

putting on my jeans, i grabbed my phone and dialed Samantha while picking up the rest of my things that's thrown to the floor. "Vicky?" Samantha answered after 5 rings. "finally you called. i was worried about those phone calls you made last night."

i frowned, "i called you?"

"well, yeah." she answered. "you told me about Kyle trying to kill you and Luke abandoned you or something like that, i don't know."

"i don't remember calling you."

"whoa Vicky, you must be really drunk!"

i shook my head, "that's not the point," i stopped her, "can you, um..pick me up from Blake's house?"

"what?!" Samantha explodes, making me pulled the phone away from my ears before she could explode my eardrums off. "why would you still be in Blake's house?"

"i don't know what happened okay?" i groaned in frustration as i walked out of the room, with the jacket over my shoulder and my shoes on my free hand. "just, pick me up from Blake's house, please?" i begged.

"....fine." she sighed, "just, stay wherever you are, I'll be there in like, 5 minutes." she said and then hangs up.

as i headed towards the front door, i noticed there was a lot of people still in Blake's house, drunk off their asses and sleeping it off in any place they think is comfortable for them to sleep on.
for example: the dude over there sleeping on the kitchen counter, hugging a ketchup bottle like it was his teddy.

anyways, i managed to exit the house and took a seat on the stairs, waiting for Samantha to come while thinking of the things I've done last night, including with the suntanned dude still asleep in the room.

i rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hand, trying to rub off the annoying headache that's slowly getting stronger the more i tried to remember the things I've done last night. "damn, thinking sucks." i grumbled and then flinched when i heard the honking sound coming from Samantha's car that had just arrived.

climbing into her car,  i tossed my shoes and jacket onto the back seat and rests my forehead onto the window, "Sammy, you are my hero." i said with my eyes closed.

The bad boy with bipolar (ON PERMANENT HIATUS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now