But i didnt

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After the practice ended, i said goodbye to Nicole and went to my locker to place my books before i headed home.

As i was walking towards the exit, i saw a boy ahead of me who left the building before me. When i looked at his back, i could've sworn he looked exactly like Luke.

I quickened my pace to catch up with him. Dying to know where he lives.

I kept a safe distance from him. And from this distant, i'm certain that this guy is Luke Patterson. And i dont think he realized that i was following him.

I think.

I was confused when i followed him to my neighborhood. Maybe he really did lives around here. But then again, i've never seen him before.

Maybe he just moved in.

Yeah, that might be it. There's an house for sale three houses from mine and i havent checked that it has been sold or not.

But i did saw a car parked in front of the house, and i wondered it that belongs to him.

I was too occupied with my own thoughts that i barely noticed him turning to his right to the house that i mentioned earlier and went inside.

I was right. Luke patterson lives three houses from mine!

Oh my god, if i were his girlfriend, i could go to his house whenever i want! Nothing is better than having a hot boyfriend who lives near you.

This is great. This is great. I think i should make my move soon. I dont want to wait any longer. It'll torture me.

Tomorrow i'll find him. I'll talk to him. I'll make him mine.


As i reached home, i saw my mom preparing a dinner. While my brother, Victor, was playing with Ziggy. And my dad has yet to come home.

So i went to my room to take a shower and change into a pair of pyjamas and headed to the dining room to have dinner just as dad comes back from work.


"So, Victoria. How was school today?" Dad asked as soon as we gathered at the dining table.

"Great. I aced my maths test today." He answered.

"Nerd." I faked cough.

"At least i'm smarter than you." He defended.

"Kids, thats enough." Dad interrupted. "Thats good, Victor. And how about you, Victoria?" He changed his gaze to me.

"Trust me. You don't wanna know." I waved, dismissing the question.

"Anyway, honey," mom began, addressing my dad as 'honey'. "The mailman came today." She said.

"Hmm?" Dad hummed in response. Too occupied with his steak.

"Its from your work."

My dad froze, meeting my mom's gaze, "and?"

"They're sending you overseas for your upcoming project. Again." Mom said. Sighing deeply.

As you can see, my dad is a marine biologist who travels a lot, and have had countless of research and projects which my mom is not so happy about. And because of this, i rarely see my dad at home and its awkward to be alone with him sometimes.

"Really? When is the date?"

"Its three days from today." Mum grumbled. Clearly she wasn't happy about it.

"Okay." She said and we continued the dinner in silence.


The next day, i went to school, i was feeling excited to see Luke again and i have some topics that can help me start a conversation with him.

I stayed up all night doing researches about things to say to him.

I cant afford to make any mistake and embarrass myself in front of him.

"Seriously. Will you stop practicing with Nicole?" Samantha groaned as she took a seat on our table bringing a tray of various snacks along with her. "You're just going to have a simple conversation with him. Not shooting a movie."

"I know." I sighed. "But i don't want to look like a weirdo in front of him. I just...want this to be perfect."

"It will be perfect if you could stop practicing like a weirdo." Samantha complained, taking a bite on her sandwich.

Seriously. Samantha can be a bitch sometimes. But she's my bitchy childhood friend. So i'll let it pass.

"Fine." I grumbled, looking around the cafeteria for any signs of Luke.

And what i saw next, broke my heart.

I saw Luke pinning a blonde haired girl against the girl. And from my point of view, i could see that they were currently making out.

I recognize the girl. Dalia Mikovich. The bitch of the school.

I suddenly felt my mood going down.

Of course. A guy like him wont go chasing off to a girl like me. I feel my eyes getting moist. I blinked furiously before it get the chance to roll down my cheeks. I tried to look away. Looking for something to distract me.

"Vicky, are you okay?" Nicole asked.

"I've told you told you that he isn't worth your time." Samantha said, "just find someone else. And if you want, i can help you."

I shook my head, sniffing. "No thanks. Besides, you're not that good at choosing a guy for me. You always keep the hot guys to yourself and give me the bad ones." I tried to joke, "i'm going to the library. I'll see you guys later." I stood up and headed towards the exit.

I gave one last glance towards Luke's direction and if it weren't for my tears blurring my sight, i would've noticed that the two of them had stopped making out and Luke was looking at me.

But i didn't.

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