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Hi was practically jumping like a pogo stick the whole way home. His energy level had spiked dramatically after I said we would go to check out a broken down fence. A fence. How interesting.

But, it was better than nothing.

"What if it's a break in? Your Dad might even let us help if something's gone missing!" Hi practically screamed at me as we motored over the water in Hugo. I heard Tom chuckle.

"Sorry guys, but the broken down fence was caused by someone driving a truck into it. Nothing was stolen" he informed us, and the three of us looked to Hi as he collapsed to his knees. He looked close to crying. "Maybe next time" Tom offered, smiling apologetically at us.

"Why? Why couldn't it be something cool?" Hi said quietly, head in hands. I patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry Hi. We can still go to Loggerhead if you want" I suggested, and he nodded his head meekly. He remained sat on the floor while I sank back into my seat. I looked around me at the sea, and contently sighed. Then I remembered that I probably had an angry wolfdog waiting for me at the dock.

"Hey Dad, what's the odds of a runabout heading to Loggerhead or Morris from Charleston?" Ben asked suddenly, looking over his shoulder. Behind us was another boat, keeping a large distance between us, but close enough that we could make out three men, all wearing sunglasses.

"Small. As far as I'm aware, no one wants to charge Loggerhead of animal abuse again" it was obvious these men were officials, and they never came to Morris. The only place they would go to this far out is Loggerhead. And if officials are going to Loggerhead, it meant LIRI was in trouble, ergo, we were in trouble. "It's probably just some stupid patrol boat. Don't worry about it kids"

Coop was in fact nowhere to be seen when we hit the dock. Tom motored right to the dock, letting us step out easily. Still no Coop. It's my lucky day. As we departed the boat, and Tom readied to head to Loggerhead for a pick-up, the other boat passed Morris. The three men watched us as they passed. We watched them, and Tom waved with a single hand. They didn't return the gesture.

"Creepy or what?" Shelton shivered at Hi's tone. Creepy, plain creepy.

"Let's just forget about it. It's probably nothing"

We turned towards the complex. Ben and I's shoulders touched as we walked side by side up the slight hill. The beaches and dunes spread out either side of me, and despite being in my uniform, I felt surprisingly cool.

"No mutt. Maybe he's over his mood" Shelton suggested as we came into view of our houses. Three storeys each, not very wide, and within a few yards of each other. Island living is a blast. But no sooner had Shelton spoken, 800 pounds of fur boulder-slammed into me from the dune next to me. Coop stood over me, legs straddling my chest and torso as he growled at me. His nose skimmed over my face, pressing his tongue to my cheek before moving to my shoulder.

"Spoke to soon" Hi muttered as Coop snorted in approval. He stepped off me and sat down next to me. I went to my elbow and stared at him.

"What is your problem today?" I asked him, but he just growled in his throat. I let the boys haul me to my feet, and Coop sat on my foot. "Meet on Sewee in fifteen?" the boys all nodded. We dispersed, and as soon as I stepped in I knew I was in for trouble.

"Tory! You're home!" Whitney stumbled from the kitchen. "We have a dilemma"

"What sort of dilemma?" I asked, seriously thinking it was something important.

"We've not got anything to have for dinner tonight" classic Whitney. Does she even know the meaning of a dilemma? I stared at her for a moment, before glancing to Coop. He looked at me with the same look of 'seriously' before we both looked to the heaving woman in front of us. Looks like I've got a new plan for this evening, sorry Hi.

"We can go to the grocery store, and pick something up. Give me five minutes" she nods enthusiastically before I run up to my room. I text the boys, explaining the situation. Hi sent a reply in capitals, exclamation points and weeping faces. Poor guy. "Oh well. Beggars can't be choosers"

The trip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I wouldn't recommend going shopping with Whitney Dubious. I'm surprised I survived more than two minutes.

Tuesday night was bound to be better.

After school, Ben told me to meet him on the dock at four. He actually whispered it to me. I didn't know it was such a secret, but I went along with it. I decided to dress fancy...or fancy for me anyway. Jeans and a vest are fancy enough, right?

I showered, even brushed my teeth. Coop watched me as I stressed. What top would go well with these jeans? What shoes should I wear? Should I put my hair up or down?

I stopped in the middle of my room.

Why was I stressing?

It's Ben. He won't mind what I'm wearing. It's just a...date. Date. I'm actually going on a date with Ben?

"Coop, I think I'm going crazy" I looked to the wolfdog who was lying on my bed, head resting on his paws. His blue eyes met mine. "I'm going crazy over my clothes when Ben doesn't really care what I wear. He's going to be wearing casual things right?" he just stared back at me.

Thanks. Great help.

I looked to the clock, and I had five minutes. I'm going to be late if I don't go now.

"See you buddy" I kissed his head before rushing down the stairs. "I'm going out with the guys! See you later" I called into the living room, where surprisingly Kit was sitting on the couch with Whitney. Side by side. His arm around her shoulders.

Whoa. Touchy.

"Okay. Have fun. Remember, no later than ten" Kit said, watching me as I put my shoes on.

"Got it" I left with Coop trotting happily into the living room and leaping happily onto Kit's lap. What the hell is going on? Since when has Coop lain on Kit's lap while he's...cuddling with Whitney?

Ben was sorting out the boat when I reached the dock. I dropped onto the boat, standing right behind him. He spun to me, with a smile on his face.

"Hey" he pulled me towards him, holding me close to him. His arms curled around my waist, while I slung mine comfortably over his shoulder and around his neck. "You ready?"

"Where are we going?" I asked. He wasn't wearing his signature black tee, but more of a casual blue shirt with dark jeans. His shoulder length black hair was messily sitting on his head while his brown eyes looked down into my green ones.

"I was thinking, movies and pizza" he said, and I smiled up at him. "Unless you want to do something else-" I shut him up quickly when I pressed my lips to his quickly.

"Movies and pizza sound perfect" it was his turn to peck my lips this time. "Take us out Captain" I mock saluted him as he sat in the captain's chair, and I sat on my usual perch. It did feel weird without the other two, but it was nice to just have some me and Ben time. We didn't get a lot of that. "What movie are we watching?" there were a lot out, most of them catching my eye. I couldn't decide which I wanted to see first. Ben didn't answer until we were skimming over the Atlantic, so I almost forgot what I asked when he answered.

"You'll see"

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