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Hi readers,

I want to strongly apologise for not updating...I was on holiday all of last week, and I am shattered. I had no signal on the canal boat, or anywhere we stopped in Wales. Luckily, I had already written this as a draft. 

Hope you are all liking the story so far, and I am sorry for the mix-up a few chapters ahead. I published the wrong chapter- or rather the old draft rather than the newer one. 


Enjoy the story....


The smell of chloroform still surrounded me, drifting into my nose uncontrollably. My head throbbed with every beat of my heart, and I felt stiff all over. For a second, I forgot what happened.

I was lying awkwardly across the backseat of a car, but my head was on something a little higher. I blinked my eyes open and see two knees attached to two thighs which were currently beneath my head. There was an arm slung around my waist, stopping me from moving as the car rolled to a stop. The driver was someone I've never seen before, and I could see Thompson sitting in the passenger seat.

I shot up quickly, scrambling against the other side of the backseat. My side bashed against the door as I turned to face the three men. Thompson turned around and saw me, then smirked.

"I'm glad you're awake" he stated, turning back to the front. My eyes move around the whole car, but I notice that the doors were all locked. I wouldn't even manage to survive even if I wanted to jump out the car.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, shrinking further into the door as the man I had been resting my head on shifted slightly. He was young looking, probably no older than twenty. He had a hat of blonde hair that was in need of a cut.

"To our base of operations" Thompson answered. I went about looking around for my friends, but I was alone in the car with three men I either currently hated or didn't know. And I was still suffering from my flares attacking me inside out. "Don't you want to see Cooper?"

"Where are Ben, Hi and Shelton? What have you done with them?" I ask, stronger than before. Thompson looked back at me with a cruel look in his eyes.

"Nothing, they're just being kept separate from you. Don't expect to be seeing them anytime soon" he said, grinning when I flinched. I wouldn't be seeing them again? Where is the base? And where were they being held? I looked out the rear window, and saw a large van that looked a lot like a police prisoner van following right on our tail. I could only assume that the boys were being held in there. I sighed, slouching into my seat. I drew my legs to my chest, propping my elbows on my knees as I held my head. We were doomed.

Kit would have no idea where we were. We hadn't gone to school, so they would think something had happened on the way. But surely they would find Sewee along the side of Dead Cat. They would piece the pieces together eventually. Hi and Shelton were meant to be at home, so surely with them gone they would figure out something was wrong.

But by that time, anything could have happened to us.

With that thought in mind, I lifted my head to see Thompson looking calm and smug in the front. Hatred stirred inside me. How could he do this? How could he be so collected and smug about what he's done?

"How could the government let you kidnap four teenagers?" I asked, hiding my anger and the fear I felt. We were finally becoming the lab rats we had feared of being since the moment we discovered our flares.

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