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Sorry for not updating sooner guys....

Life can be so stressful!!


Ben led me through Charleston, keeping his hand in mine the whole time. It was quiet between us, but I didn't really mind. I think I actually preferred it quiet rather than him trying to make random conversation. He seemed to know where he was going as he moved through the streets with ease. We passed several places that we'd been to during troublesome adventures, we even passed Bolton Prep.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked eventually, giving up on guessing. I'd been quietly guessing pizza places I knew, but whenever we passed their street, I scribbled it out. I had run out of ideas.

"It's somewhere my Dad takes me to sometimes. It's got an outside pavilion overlooking the docks from closer to the centre of Charleston" was all he told me before leading me up an incline of steps. I lost count of how many there were, but as soon as we hit the top, I was bombarded with a brightly lit building. The lights were flashing, and the car park was packed. It was two stories, with red, yellow and blue lamps illuminating the outside and inside. The smell of Italian food filled my senses, and my stomach actually grumbled. Ben chuckled beside me before drawing me towards the restaurant.

He pulled me into the entrance, where heat slammed into me like a wall. I shivered as I shook away my goose bumps. Ben stepped to the booth as a man looked up expectantly with a smile on his face. He was probably mid-twenties to early thirties, with light brown hair and gleaming blue eyes. His teeth shone as he grinned at the pair of us.

"Welcome, how can I be of assistance for you tonight?" he asked, eyes flicking between us. Would there be any room for us? The car park was packed.

"There's a table booked under the name Tom Blue? For five o'clock?" Ben said, making me look at him in surprise. It was five minutes till five now, and did Tom really book us a table?

"Right this way" the man picked up two menus and led us through the restaurant. People were everywhere, but the sights and scents were mouth-watering. The food was amazingly served, and my stomach grumbled even more. I was so coming here again. "My name is Simon, and I'll be your waiter tonight. The table for two by the large window upstairs is free if you would like it there?" he half turned, as Ben nodded confidently. The boy barely speaks to strangers, and here he is, standing tall and following a stranger obediently. I've never been more shocked in my life. Simon lead us up to the second floor, where it was a little quieter. Nearly every wall was made of windows. The man took us to the table for two on the very far side, overlooking the Marina. "I'll be with you in five minutes to take your drinks" he left us after we sat and placed our menus in front of us.

I sat forward, arms crossed on the table.

"Alright, spill. Did Tom really book this?" I asked, and Ben grinned, copying my position as he pushed off the back of his chair.

"He may have helped with the booking" he admitted with a small smirk.

"Is that why he was so smiley when he dropped us off after school?" Ben shrugged, but I already knew the answer. Tom had booked our table for us; Tom knew about Ben and I. It was about time one of the adults knew. I pecked Ben's cheek before sitting back and picking up my menu. "It's amazing" l looked out over the Marina, where the water was rippling erratically in the breeze. Some town houses were between us and the Marina, Bolton Prep being the large building just to the right. It was spectacular.

"Morris is just the island in front" Ben tapped his finger against the glass towards the blob of land in the centre of the window. It was Morris alright. "I'm actually glad I brought the boat instead of the car" Ben sat back, giving me a small smile. I rolled my eyes before turning to pick my drink.

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