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Update No.2, and it's rather long.........


I woke up with warmth seeping from my side, a warm breath fanning over my face. My eyes fluttered open, and I was met with the snout of my loving wolfdog, who was sleeping blissfully against my side. We were lying in my bed, still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

Did I come straight to bed after going to see Mike? I don't remember even coming home. I remember falling asleep on the sofa, but that's the last thing. I climbed out of bed, freshened up in the shower, changed into clean clothing and skipping downstairs. Kit and Whitney were sitting in the living room, side by side with her head resting on his shoulder lovingly. It was starting to become a recurring sight, and the weird feeling that children usually get seeing adult affection was dulling. Whitney muttered something, and Kit chuckled as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Spoke too soon.

"Morning" I announced, and they both looked up. "What time did I get in yesterday?"

"Nine. Ben carried you from the dock, you were sleeping" Kit offered, passing me a knowing smile. I nodded sleepily, turning to the kitchen. Once I got my breakfast sorted, collapsing into my chair at the table, Dad followed me in. He crouched down next to me, meeting my green eyes.

"We're going to see Chance at noon. Linus is coming with us, and I'll be taking you four" it's not a suggestion, it's a fact.

So at noon, the boys all come to my house. Shelton was first, politely greeting Whitney. He complimented her cookies, spreading it on thick. Whitney drank it up. Hi and Linus were second, and asked if she could make more for him. I think they'll get on fine. Linus and Kit moved into the study upstairs while we waited.

Ben was, of course, last to arrive. He had a tense set to his shoulders, and even his greeting hug to me was tense. He didn't like this.

"It's a quick in and out visit" I assured him. He nodded, and didn't hesitate to press his lips to mine. No sooner had he, I heard a squeal of joy. We sprung apart to see Whitney clapping her heads like an excited school girl.

"You're so cute together!" she screamed, wrapping us both in a hug. Ben cleared his throat awkwardly while my cheeks filled with colour. Linus and Kit came down in time to rescue us from the gleeful woman, and we all climbed into my Dad's car without a single word.

The drive was long, and quiet. I was sandwiched in the back between Hi and Ben while Shelton was pressed against the door. Kit and Linus were up front, accompanying us to the prison were our old schoolmate was being held. Was I ready to see his face again, after two months of only remembering it while being surrounded by fire? Would I actually be able to look at him straight in the eye? My feelings for Chance Claybourne were long gone, and were replaced by a hollow, empty space which only really filled with hatred whenever I thought about him.

During the car journey, Ben kept my hand encased within his own, giving light squeezes every now and then. I placed my other hand on Hi's to reassure him. Shelton was humming nervously under his breath while watching the world sail by outside the window.

Were we doing the right thing? Did Chance know something about these guys?

There was only one way to find out.

"Here we are guys" Kit said lowly, parking the car in a tightly packed space. Opposite us was a barbed wire fence, reaching all the way around the perimeter of a large grey concrete building. It looked almost dead of life, if it weren't for the patrolling officers around the edges and in the watch towers. It was eerie. I could hear the sound of men shouting from the courtyard where they were allowed some free time. Part of me wondered if Chance was out there.

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