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This is it guys! The final chapter! 

I hope you've enjoyed this book, and i know it's not as good as the first book but I enjoyed writing it. 

Enjoy and thinks for the support! 


The phone shattered the silence of the house. The ringing stabbed my ears harshly as it filled the room.

I didn't make a move to get it.

I numbly heard Kit's voice answer, mumbling and muffled from the distance between the living room and kitchen. Whitney's voice sounded just after.

Coop lifted his head from my lap as Kit stepped gingerly inside the room. His ears were erect, his body completely rigid. He hadn't moved from this position since I sat down, and he looked like he had no intention of doing so. I looked up as Kit knelt down beside me, eyes deep and sad.

"Thompson's been officially suspended. Agent Wright has assured me that he won't be leaving his cell for a long time" Kit informed me, carefully and gently. I nodded, licking my dry lips. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I know it's hard"

"It's not hard, Dad. It's...nothing. I feel empty. I feel like I'm missing something" I argued weakly. I'd never felt so weak before.

Four days.

It had been four days since we discovered we could no longer flare, and to say we were upset was an understatement. We were a whole new level of upset. We were devastated.

Sure, we were normal again. We were ordinary teenagers again; no more canine DNA. But we had been special. We had been a pack, and that connection and bond was gone, leaving us feeling...lost.

Coop seemed to feel it more than we were. He wouldn't wag his tail anymore, he wouldn't want to go for walks and he wouldn't even bark at or chase the rabbits into the dunes.

"I know, Tory. I wish there was something I could do" being depressed was bad enough, having a depressed wolfdog was bad enough, but seeing my father feeling so bad too made me realise how I was behaving. I should be thankful.

Kit didn't want to see me like this. He had just gotten me back from a government agency. Plastering on a smile, I put my hand on my Dad's shoulder. He noticed the gesture, and smiled wide.

"I know. I'm sorry I've been acting like this. I should be happy" I swallowed past the sinking feeling in my stomach and smiled at him. "We need to get ready"

After our heart-breaking discovery on the dock, the boys and I had been spending our time in the bunker or on Dead Cat. We had been trying to get into our usual routines- the fishing, school, treks through Loggerhead and skipping stones on the beach. But it was hard knowing that we no longer had that special bond between us.

Whitney, being Whitney, noticed my depressed mood and completely misinterpreted it. Of course, she didn't know why I felt like this because I hadn't told her anything about our flares. She was in dark for the most part, so I couldn't exactly be annoyed when she proposed the idea of a garden party to celebrate the return of the boys and I. Kit had jumped on the idea, thinking it would be easier for the boys and I if we all got together.

So, the party was tonight.

And I wasn't looking forward to it.

"Tory! Could you help me a moment, honey?" Whitney asked from the kitchen. Kit gave me a helpless, side-ward smirk when I sighed heavily. He clapped my shoulder encouragingly as I stood and made my way to the kitchen. Whitney was prancing around the small kitchen, looking rather pleased and giddy as she worked.

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