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We sat on the beach, watching the waves and listening to the chattering of the monkeys behind us. I'll never get used to the beauty of Loggerhead Island. It was late afternoon before by phone buzzed beside me. I didn't even need to read it.

From Kit, saying we needed to come back to LIRI. Well, I did, which normally meant the boys did too. The boys all groaned at the sound of my phone, knowing all to well what that meant. Coop's head lifted quickly, sensing the need to move.

"Home time. Papa bear's calling" I said, lifting to my feet. Ben accepted my hand to stand, as Hi and Shelton hauled themselves up.

"Still on curfew?" Hi asked as we trudged through the forest towards where my father worked. He was the Director, after Dr Marcus Karsten unfortunately died. He had always been suspicious of us, but he could never get the support to ban us from the island. We never did anything bad- that they knew about anyway. A couple of break ins aren't that bad right? Kit had always defended us, and he now let us come and go as we please, but we do have limitations.

"Yup. I have to come home with him at four, and then I'm not allowed out past two" I said. Ever since finding out about our flares, the parents had given us a tremendous amount of space to run. We could go the whole day without them breathing down our necks, and they let us stay out at night until two. We try not to make a habit of staying out late though, I still need my beauty sleep.

Ben kept his hand in mine as we walked through the forest. When we finally emerged from the forest, my father was standing at the gate with Nelson and Linus, talking about something science-y I'm guessing. They broke apart as we stepped towards them. Ben's hand fell away from mine. No matter how much we tried, we still weren't sure if we were comfortable with showing our...affections in front of the adults.

"Hey kiddo. You ready to head?" Kit asked. We still aren't on the full father-daughter streak of the relationship yet, but we are making fast progress. That is something I'm proud of.

"Sure. Is Whitney cooking?" I asked. No matter how much my father's blonde bimbo of a girlfriend annoyed me, she sure knew how to cook. And I loved every piece of it.

"Sure is" I did a 'cha-ching' gesture, tapping my side for Coop to come. Kit still hadn't got his head around the telepathy between me and the wolfdog, much like the boys hadn't with me and them. But I guess answers will come in time. "She's making something special for you"

"My birthday was last week, she doesn't have to make anything special for me" I frowned at him. I had turned fifteen last week, coming to the end of freshman. It's about time. The boys had thrown a large party for me, booked out a hall some where in Charleston and invited everyone. Even Aunt Tempe. Whitney had prepared a large cake, adamant that she didn't want anyone else doing it for her 'special girl'. I wasn't expecting a party, so Whitney only managed to get me in skirt before going. The boys were dressed smart-ish, and everyone else was in dresses and nice outfits. I'm pretty sure I actually cried.

People from school even said 'Happy Birthday' to me. I guess I was still getting sympathy from Chance trying to kill me, along with his father. Word spread pretty quickly. The boat kids not only took out a psychopath, but they also managed to take out the strongest man in Charleston and his escapee father.

Whitney of course was more clingy and desperate to help than usual after my 'traumatising' experience. We opted that telling her about my secret would be an unwise move, so she doesn't know about my flare. But no one knows about our bunker. That's one secret we will forever keep.

"You know how Whitney is" Kit said now, swinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Oh I do" I mused, letting him lead us all to Tom's boat, Hugo, to take us back home. The boys and I sat at the back, contently letting the water disappear beneath the boat. It's not the same as when on Sewee, when it was just the four of us, sometimes with Coop,  but it's still one of my favourite things. When we step onto the dock of Morris, Coop instantly disappears from my side and rockets towards the house.

The mutt can already smell dinner.

The four of us hang back a little as the three men get off, leaving Tom to motor away to Loggerhead and Charleston for stragglers. Kit notices us waiting patiently off to the side.

"No staying out late kiddo. School night" he reminded with a wink as he followed the eager wolfdog home.

"On that note, I better shoot too. You know how my darling mother hates it when I'm late for tea. She'll think we're out chasing bad guys" Hi says, mock saluting us.

"I forgot school was tomorrow. The blue bloods can crowd around and poke at us some more. Great" Shelton visibly shivers. Despite our improved stauts amoung our fellow students, he hates the attention. He hates being stared at, people treating him like a specimen of value. I quote that last bit.

"You love it really Devers. Which would you rather be, treated like a island refugee or a celebrity?" Ben asked, chucking Shelton's shoulder.

"I don't know. There's not much of a difference" he grins widely before retreating to his own house, leaving me alone with Ben. As soon as Kit and the others left, his hand had latched onto mine again. It's amazing how used to each other we are now, where I didn't even consider doing this two months ago. I guess I got one good thing about what happened.

"You shouldn't stay out too late. Kit might get suspicious" Ben said, tugging me a little closer. I felt a smile already forming.

"I still don't get why you don't want to tell him. I thought you said he knew" I tilted my head in wonder, making Ben scoff. He reached up and brushed some of my red hair from my face. His own shoulder length black hair was blowing in the wind, but he didn't seem to care. It was unbrushed, but it was still managing to make him look hot.

"I know, but you know how I am. That was in the heat of the moment where your life was in danger, and he knew about it" he added the last bit, knowing that we often are in life threatening postions. Those times include guns.

"Right. And I am forever grateful" I went to my toes, pressing my lips on his in a quick kiss, happy to do so. It was a five second long kiss, but it still managed to make my insides melt and my brain turn to mush. "Love you, Blue" I whispered, pulling away. He smiled.

"Love you too Tor" and with that, we both went towards our own houses. I went towards my hawk-eyed father, protective wolfdog, oblivious bimbo and a mouth-watering dinner that I would die for.

And yet, even despite all the perfect, the all too familiar feeling of being watch overhung me. At the end of the day, I stood at my window. I let my golden eyes scan the dark area of Morris, and the rippling water around our island. Hugo and Sewee were both docked and lightly bobbing in the water. Coop was lying on my window seat, head on paws watching me stand next to him as my hand stroked absently through his fur.

Why can't I get rid of the feeling I'm being watched?  I silently asked my loyal wolfdog. He grunted, nipping the hem of my top.

Protect. Pack protect. He insisted silently, nudging my hand with his snout. I  sighed gratefully.

"I know. Virals together, Wolves forever" he had taught us that during our previous struggle. I looked over my shoulder at the photo stuck on my wall, A5. Me and my boys, with Coop sitting on my lap. It as on my birthday evening. Kit took the photo. The four of us sat at the table, with a plate of cake in front of us. I had Hi on my left, and Shelton was next to Ben. We were all laughing at Coop, who was licking the cake off Ben's cheek, his face scrunched up as the wolfdog's tongue attacked his face. Under the photo was my scribbled handwriting, reading our moto. It's what saved us.

A low grumbling sounded, and I almost thought I was my stomach. But I was stuffed. It took me a second to realise that it was Coop, growling out at the window.

Danger. Something bad. Danger outside. He sent to me, with the imprint of a raw protectiveness I would never find anywhere else, not even in the Virals.

At least I know I'm not the only one feeling it.


Hey guys!

Sorry the updates are extremely slow...I'm currently doing some mocks and stuff. I hate it. Mocks are so boring and I hate doing exams!!

Hope it's alright, I know it's a slow start, but the excitement will come, I promise.

Thanks, don't forget to comment and vote!

Love ya's

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