Path 1: Adrieve, Chapter 4

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        Stepping out into the hallway, she searched her surroundings with her newly-given flashlight and sighed when she found nothing useful. There were many things in this hallway that didn't interest her, and it had changed on her yet again. The door to her right had trees drawn on it, the one to its right had a lack in details, as did the door to its right. The door to her left had goat horns on it, and the one in front of her had a red hood and a wolf's snout. What was most interesting, however, was that all the doors had door handles, and when she grabbed it, it turned to be opened. Grinning, she took the door with the forest drawn on it, the most interesting, decorated door, tugging it open and shoving her way through. What she saw, however, surprised her.

        There was man, his wife, and two girls, both polar opposites from each other. One looked happy, and the other did not, but what interested her most was that they were frozen in time. Was that Mr. Wolfe's doing? If so, she owed him a thank you for making her life easier. As she stepped into the room and shut it, the doorknob on the outside came off with her hand and re-attached. Well, it looks like he had helped her after all. This she could use to her advantage. After all, she was free to do as she liked, and that gave her all the power.

        Stepping further into the room, Adrieve found three men on a couch in the corner, not frozen, something causing her to frown. But she could deal with them, right? That was what she truly had to do if she wanted to ruin this fairy tale, the only question she could think of was how. "You three, tell me where I am and who those people there are."

         "Why should we?" the first man asked.

          "We don't appreciate people like you," the second said.

           "And we don't share information that isn't yours to know," the third said.

           "I don't care," Adrieve said. "You will help me or I'll send for your worst nightmare. He let me in and gave me a way to lock people out, which gives me all the power."

             "It's always 'me, me, me' with you, isn't it?" The second man asked.

              "And why shouldn't it be? I'm the star of my own story, and you're not."

              "You're a rather rude woman, you know that?" the first man said.

             "And we're not alright with you taking over our story," the third said.

              The second man, however, hummed thoughtfully before staring at Adrive clearly. "I believe punishments are in order. Shall we give her one?"

             "May you always find misfortune for your rudeness," the first man said.

               "May you never be truly happy," the second said.

               "May you choose wrongly as your final choice in this labyrinth," the third man said. "Now go, leave us and never come back."

                "As if I would!" Adrieve spat, storming away and running down the hall, not replacing the doorknob. 

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