Path 1: Adrieve, Chapter 10

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        Adrieve ran until she could run anymore, nearly hitting the wall where there was no door. That boy... That boy had been horrible, and she never wanted to see him again. Perhaps maybe children in general, no children were good in this labyrinth, and she had to find her sisters. But where did she go? Was nowhere safe? Could she go somewhere without being harmed or threatened? What she needed was comfort, and only one person could give that to her: Mr. Wolfe. He was the only one she was safe around, the only person who she could feel safe around.

        But he was busy and she was just with him. Being scared made her weak, and weakness led to failure. If she wanted to do something successfully, she had to be stronger, be less afraid, face her dangers, but facing that boy was a bad idea. He was willing to kill her, she's made him angry, and there was no point to going back. After all, she'd royally messed up Prince Charn, and that wasn't worth it. In her thoughts, she hadn't heard a child aproach her, staring at her tiredly.

        "Excuse me, but are you lost?"

        Jerking backwards into the wall, she shook her head. "No, no, I'm fine."

        "You look like you need somewhere to be but you're not sure where that is."

       "You're the one who killed Mr. Catly, aren't you? The Wolfe told me you did that."

        "It doesn't matter what I do. It's safer with him gone."

         "Where was Mousina?"


         "Mousina. She was my friend. Mr. Catly lived with her."

         "I don't know. She was dinner when I got there."

         "I don't believe you."

         "Then leave me alone."

          "That's probably not a good idea. I don't think murderers should be alone."

          "Look, just go away. I don't need this right now, I need to find my sisters before anything worse happens."

           "Worse than killing Mr. Catly?"

           "Yes. There's worse things happening right now, and I don't have time for red-hooded children right now. Where are my sisters? You must know."

            "I'm not telling you. I don't trust you."

            "Just tell me."


            "You better tell me."

            "Never. You'll just kill me when I tell you."

            "I don't do that kind of thing!"

            The child, without replying, ran off, taking the next right, and as Adrieve called a "Hey!" after her, she ran after the child, hoping to get answers.

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