Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was almost time for the dance...i was straightening my hair when my phone buzzed. It was from Kristen.

"Umm i kinda gotta tell you something..."

"And what exactly would this something be?" I asked not really wanting to know what she was about to say.

"Well uh umm..."

"Come on Kristen spit it out all ready!" I said kind of annoyed.

"Ok the dance is kinda canceled"

"WHAT!!!??! Why?" I asked

"Umm because they don't

have enough people coming"

" o ok i am gonna call Sally and tell her, brb". And with that i stopped texting her and called Sally.

She answered on the third ring.

"This better be important because i am trying to get ready,"she said kinda in a hurry.

"Well you mine as well stop getting ready," i said, disappointment in my voice.

"Why ?" She asked kinda confused.

" the dance got canceled."

"WHAT? WHY!??" Sally asked.

"Apparently not enough people were going so they aren't having one."

"Dang so now what are we going to do? We just bought dresses and the guys just bought tuxedoes!" She asked disappointed.

"We can always go to a movie..." I said kinda hopeful.

"Ya let me call Danny"

"Om i am gonna call Toby and we will meet at the movie theater behind the mall."

And with that we hung up.

After everybody got to the movies we had to choose one to watch...

"We should watch the Conjuring" i suggested...i loved scary movies.

"I don't like scary movies" Sally whined.

"Hey you always have me..." Danny said.

"True okay i will watch it." Sally agreed.

"What about you Toby...will you watch it." I asked

"Ya sure."

After we agreed we got our tickets and went on in...

During the movie, Sally was practically in Danny's lap but i don't think he minded because he looked pretty scared himself.

On the other hand me and Toby were not scared much...we sat together and watched the movie. Every once and a while something would pop out and i would jump and he would look over and laugh a little. But every time he did i gave him a little punch.

After the movie we all went to the mall and walked around.

"Sally you should have seen you and Danny!" Me and Toby started laughing.

"I told you i didn't like scary movies and you cant talk you jumped every once in a while," she argued.

"But at least i wasn't in anyones lap haha".

When we got done at the mall we all went our separate ways. We kept on doing the double dates and had lots of fun together!


That was first book. I am gonna write another one soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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