It should've been me (Thomas imagine) for Laetitia

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hey guys!! before u start reading I would just like to say thank you for 10K reads!! I never knew I would get this far. Anyway, this imagine is for cutiefandob she has been waiting!! if u want an imagine just check out my update before to know the details!! thank you again let's get started!!

Thomas and I have been dating for 2 months so far and these two months have been the best!! Aside from the greavers that keep coming into our territory and taking our friends. We are all currently hiding in the slammer, we just witnessed our friend, Alby, get taken away by a greaver. Thomas tried to save him but it was way too strong!! This was too heartbreaking for me. "Listen up everyone!!" Gally called out. "We all need to stay in here and wait till those greavers leave us alone!!"

Thomas was holding my hand and I knew he was getting upset because his grip tightened. "And what if they won't leave us alone, huh? What if we have to be stuck in here forever-" Newt was cut off by Thomas. "We aren't gonna stay here forever! I'm gonna get us out of here!!" Thomas retorted. "No you will not we are all staying in here even if it takes the whole year!!" Gally fought back. I am sick and tired of Gally and his attitude. I need to say something!!

"Gally shut your trap!! You need to calm down we are getting out of here whether you like it or not!!" I yelled. Gally was furious by this time. He started storming towards me. "Hey! If you put your hands on her that's the last thing your gonna do!!" Thomas stepped in front of Gally. Gally pushed Thomas out of the way, came up to me and slapped me in the face. I can't believe he did that!! "Laetitia, who do you think you are? Your still a greenie you will not talk to me that way!!' Gally yelled in my face. I was so done with him. I quickly got up stared at him, then gave him the hardest punch I could. After that I quickly ran out the slammer sprinting for the maze doors!! I could hear the whole group screaming my name, especially Thomas.

As I was running I could hear the greavers on the huge field. One had grabbed me and I started screaming and slashing around until it released me. But we were in the air by then and I am now falling to my death. I shut my eyes waiting for the feeling of me hitting the hard ground, but all I felt was a pair of arms. I opened my eyes and saw Thomas carrying me bridal style while running to the maze entrance. I looked behind us and saw all the gladers, except for Gally running with us.

We finally made it through the maze entrance and Thomas softly set me down against the wall. I had dirt/ mud all over me and I was breathing very heavily. I smiled when I saw Thomas's face inches away from mine. Then he closed the gap between us as his lips were softly placed on mine. I smiled through the not passionate, but good enough kiss. "Are you okay, Laetitia?" Thomas asked after we pulled apart. I nodded my head. "Yes, I just want to get out of here" Thomas chuckled. "Don't we all?" Thomas stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I accepted it and looked at all of our friends, proud that we made it in the Maze. "Okay guys" I smiled. "Let's do this" and our journey through the maze began.

To be continued...

Okay so this imagine is gonna get dark soon but this is only the beginning!! I hope I spelled your name correctly, Laetitia!! But anyway there will be a part 2 of u were wondering.
Please comment if you want an imagine of your own. I think that's all I have to tell you THANK YOU AGAIN FOR 10K READS ILY ALL SF MUCH😘😘💜

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