Bestfriends?//Dylan for Jenifer

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating this but like Softball practice and Dance gets in the way but I hope u like it!!

Summary: Jennifer is Dyl's best friend but she likes him. Dylan gets a girlfriend and Jen gets jealous and then in the end u already know what goes on😏 (Jen ur a lucky one cuz I'm gonna use my name is this, I hope ur happy😭😂 jk ly)

-Dylan calls me-

-I heard something I never wanted to hear-

-he's my best friend so I should be happy for him-

-who am I kidding I'm a mess-
-phone call-
(Jen: italics)
(Dylan: bold)

"Talk to me"

"Oh hey I've been hiding something from you and it's been killing me inside"

"oooooo tell me!!"
I should of never said that

"Um Jen, I have a girlfriend, and her name is Sadira and I would love for u to meet her!"

"sorry what?! You got a girlfriend and never told me?? omg I gotta meet her!!" I tried hide my pain, but that didn't work after we hung up.

I was a mess!! I can't believe he didn't tell me before!! I was starting to develop feelings for this dude and I took too long cuz this Sadira girl had already snatched him from me!! Well I'm just gonna have to live with it.

I decided to go and get some fresh air to relieve my stress, so I went to StarBucks. When I arrived I saw something that would break someone's heart. Sadira was kissing Thomas!! I remember what Sadira looked like and that sure as hell was her!! I took my phone out a took a pic, I was gonna send it to Dylan. Wait, maybe I should go to his house myself.

So I went, and walked to Dylan's house. You can do this, I told myself. Before I could knock on the door someone opened it from the inside. It was Dylan. Omg I can't do this, I said in my head, again.

"H-Hey Dyl" I nervously said. I was now looking down at my feet. "Hey Jen, what's up?" He looked so confused. He let me in and we walked to his living room and sat on the couch. "Okay Dyl, I-" I was cut off by the door opening up. "Hey I'm home!!" I remember that voice, it was Sadira's. She walked into the living room and gave Dylan a kiss. ew.

"Ew, what is she doing here" She said, as soon as she saw me. My heat started rising up as I balled my fist. I'm not gonna let her act like she wasn't just cheating on Dylan. "Babe, don't be so-" Dylan got cut off by me slapping Sadira in the face. "You shouldn't be here!! Not after what I saw at Starbucks!!" I screamed in her face.

Dylan immediately grabbed me and pulled me out of the Living room and into the kitchen. He picked me up and placed me on the counter, I just rolled my eyes at his stupidness. How could he not see she was trying to put up an act!! "Jen! What was that?" He yelled. I flinched at the sudden change in his voice. Did he love her? "Dylan I came here to tell you that I saw her cheating on u!!" I screamed back. He looked angry.

"How do u even know!!" He questioned. I quickly took my phone out and showed him the picture I took. He looked so heartbroken, I shouldn't have done that. But it was the right thing to do.

"God Dammit" he said, slamming his fist next to each side of my legs. He was now standing in between my legs rubbing his temples. He then looked up at me, staring deep into my eyes. We were like 2 inches away from each other's faces. Then, he did it. He kissed me!! I immediately kissed back because his lips just had to be on mine.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice said from behind Dylan. He turned, revealing a hurt Sadira. "Sadira, I know you cheated on me!!" Dylan yelled. Her face was so confused, was that not her I saw kissing Thomas? "W-What? Why would I cheat on you? I went grocery shopping!!" Sadira retorted. She looked like she was about to cry. Maybe that wasn't her kissing Thomas, oh lord. "Fine! Fine if you think I cheated on you then I guess we are done, I'll grab my things and leave, you guys can continue sucking each other's faces off!!" She yelled and ran to get her things before leaving.

Dylan went out for her but I stopped him. "Dylan I'm sorry I thou-" Dylan interrupted me. "No, Jen it's fine, as long as I'm with u that's all that matters" After that, he kissed me passionately.

And they lived happily ever after lmaoo😂
hey guys!! Thank you for reading my book of imagines and I hope u are enjoying them!! This one might be really bad I'm so sorry Jennifer!! But ya hope u liked! This imagine was for jennifer0826
Love ya!💓

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