Accidents happen quick (Dylan)

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A/N yeah I know u guys hate need to tell me but I need to apologize for not updating for y'all but I'm here now so be happy!!

Summary: Dylan was trying to help u with strength and he hurts u on accident and tries to comfort you

It was a very nice day out for a work out so I went out running for awhile. I came back to my boyfriend, Dylan, on the coach. "Hey Babe" I greet him with a kiss, he gladly accepts it. "Hey, where have you been?" He asks. I take a gulp of my water then answer back, "I just went out running for a little bit to exercise" I smile, he nods.

"Babe, can u help me with my strength muscles I need to get fit a little" I asked him. "You are already fit though!" He argues, I give him a pouty face and he gives in. "Fine, let me grab the equipment and meet me out back" he says while getting up and heading to the back porch. I happily skip outside to the back yard and wait for Dylan to come out. He eventually came out not too long after.

"Okay so I'm gonna tie this bouncy-like rope around ur waist and I'm gonna hold the other end and you're going to try to pull me by running, got it?" He explains, I just nod and let him tie it around my waist. When he tells me to go I start running as far as I can until it starts getting difficult. At first I thought I was getting it then out of nowhere I felt something smack hard on my back. It was so hard it flung me into the ground, causing me to face plant in the grass. I realize it was Dylan who let go of the damn bouncy-rope thingy.

I started screaming in pain. "God dammit Dylan!! What the fuck!?" I scream while moaning and groaning on the ground. Dylan just bursted out laughing. A couple minutes later of me still screaming Dylan eventually stops and runs to my safety. "Oh baby I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to let go of it. Here let me help you inside" he said, then picks me up bridal style and carries me into the house and on the living room couch. "Let me grab some ice for u" he says, then runs to the kitchen to fetch some ice. I was just whining the whole time while holding my stinging back.

"Here let me see" he says the lays me on my stomach and lifts up the back of my shirt. "Holy shit!! This is huge" he yells. "What?! What do u see?" I scream getting worried. He looks at me then back at my back. "I-It left a huge red mark, I'm so sorry let me put the ice on it" he said, soon I felt something really cold on my back and then I sit up on the couch trying to wipe my tears that spilled down my face. "Babe, I'm really sorry!! I-I-" I cut him off with a kiss, it lasted pretty long.

"It's okay!! I wasn't going to die or anything!" I giggle after pulling away from the kiss. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

~•the end•~
A/N: yeah yeah I know it's short but I just thought it was cute but anyway sorry again for not updating the schedule will be:

•when I'm bored

•Friday's and maybe Saturday's
love you!!

Dylan O' Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now