Celebrity relationships (Dylan imagine) for Revon

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A/N: I really like this one cuz it's similar to one of the ideas I had for a fanfic I might make. Anyway I hope you like this Revon💘

Summary: Revon is an actress and plays in TVD and Eye Candy. Dylan is an actor for Teen Wolf and is one of Revon's best mates and encourages her to audition for Teen Wolf, she ends up getting the role of Lilly {I made up the character} they are at comic con getting interviewed and they like each other. Dylan ends up asking her out in front of everybody

Revon P.O.V
Life can be so difficult as an actress sometimes!! I'm so busy I get called for interviews, to shoot another episode for TVD, and to shoot for Eye Candy, and now Dylan is trying to convince me to audition for the character Lilly in Teen Wolf!! "Dyl, I don't know, I mean I already have other things to deal with at the moment, I have to go to an interview in less than 20 mins!!" I say, talking on the phone with Dylan, while getting my stuff ready and heading to my car. "Oh come one, Revon it can't be that bad you're just going through some things like I do but if you audition for this role, you will get noticed all over the world!! How does that sound?" Dylan claims. That does sound kind of nice!

It would be even better if I could be his girlfriend though!! Yes, I have a crush on Dylan O'Brien I know I know. "Ughh fine!! When is next auditions?" I give in, obviously convinced. "Yess!! Okay well you have fun at your interview!! Catch you later!! See ya later alligator!!" Dylan says. "Yeah bye" I said, hanging up the phone. I've arrived to my interview, finally!!

**time slips to end of the day**
"Ughh I'm so exhausted" I tell myself. I take a quick shower and jump in bed.

In the morning I'm already up and moving quickly getting coffee and on my way to the auditions. I'm greeted by Dylan as soon as I arrive. "Revon!! I'm so glad to see you!!" Dylan said, excited. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Long time no see, mate" I said examining his appearance. He hasn't changed since the last time I saw him. "Come on let's get you to those auditions!!" Dylan says and grabs my hand pulling me to auditions.

It's my turn to go and audition. I was so nervous for some reason. "Break a leg!! I believe in you!!" Dylan says then pushes me in the room. It was not long till I came back out and looked at Dylan. He was waiting for a response. "So? How'd it go??" Dylan asks. I try to look sad. Dylan's face was priceless!! "I...I..." I stutter. Dylan looks so worried. "I GOT THE PART!!" I screamed and ran into Dylan's arms. He picked me up and spun me around, then all of a sudden I just had to kiss him. I instantly pulled back once I realized what I did.

Dylan looked hurt. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I started. "It's fine! You were excited!!" Dylan said, laughing nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. "Well Comic Con is next week...wanna tag along with me instead of going alone?" Dylan asked, nervously. "Of course, pal!!" I said then gave him one last hug before leaving.

I feel so stupid!! Why did I do that?? Ughh!! Eh...he'll forget about it next week.

Woah what just happened there!! Haha there will be a part 2 don't worry!! Until next time...
I hope you liked it Revon!! This imagine was for officialrevonweera 
Love ya!!

Dylan O' Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now