You Get Jealous

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hey guys before I start this I just wanted to say I am so so so sorry I haven't been updating!! I'm making it up to u now!! so I am currently sick but I decided to make another imagine because I love you all oh so much and u deserve this😘!! so I have been reading jealous imagines and wanted to make one myself so enjoy!!

Summary: Dylan is ur best friend and u have a crush on him but catch him kissing Kaya (love her so much don't take this personal) and ur upset but she tells u to back off (again no hard feelings😂😭) and u realize ur jealousy took over and couldn't tell Kaya off. I know this sounds stupid just enjoy the story😂 ily😘

It was a wonderful nice afternoon and the crew, (Thomas, Dylan, Kaya, Ki Hong, & Rosa) and I were going on vacation together. We were going to Hawaii. We were currently getting our room numbers from secretary at the desk. When I mean 'We' I mean Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong & Kaya. Rosa and I were having our little girl talk. We were really close, but not as close as Dylan and I. Dylan is my best friend but the bad thing is that...I have created a crush on him.
"So y/n, you and Dylan huh?" Rosa asked. I started blushing. Rosa knows about my little crush on Dylan. "What about us?" I asked, acting curious. Brenda gave me a 'you know what I'm talking about' look. We both started giggling. "When will you guys become a thing?" Rosa asked. I was pretending I was thinking about it. "Um maybe...never!! Dylan will never like me back" I responded. As soon as I finished my sentence the boys and Kaya called for us over. When Rosa and I walked over I saw that Kaya was all over Dylan...and it looks like he liked it!! Rosa noticed so she asked Ki Hong what room numbers we were in and who shares rooms. Ki Hong said Rosa and Kaya are sharing rooms, Thomas and Ki Hong are sharing rooms, and then Dylan and I are sharing rooms. I was a little excited.
When we arrived in our room I threw my luggage on my side of the bed. When I stood up straight I felt arms wrapping around my waist. I turned around and it was Dylan. We shared a hug and then split apart to put our luggage away. I plopped down on the bed and so did Dylan. "I have a feeling this vacation is going to be fun" Dylan said. I nodded in agreement. Dylan propped up on his elbow facing me. "Hey do u want to invite the crew over here and order something to eat like have a little get together or something?" Dylan asked. I thought about it for a sec. "Yeah sure that'll be fun" I said. Dylan nodded then started calling up everyone.
When everyone arrived we ordered Pizza and started talking amongst ourselves. I was talking with Rosa the whole time and Thomas and Ki Hong were having a convo. Since the pizza arrived I haven't seen Dylan. "Rosa have you seen Dylan?" I asked her. She shook her head in response. "Not since the pizza arrived" "Oh okay well I'm gonna go look for him, I'll be right back" I said, and started heading for different rooms.
I looked in almost every room except for the guest room, and that's when I heard faint moans coming from the door. I slowly opened it and saw something I never wanted to see again...Dylan and Kaya were making out on the bed!! I was about to puke. I slowly closed the door and ran to the bathroom. I puked out all my pizza then ran in our bedroom and started crying for about 1-2 hours. Everyone left by then. Then I heard a faint knock on the door. I quickly wiped my tears away. "Come in" I called out. Dylan came in the room with a smile on his face. "Hey y/n you alright? You've been up here for 2 hours" Dylan said, a little worried. "Yeah yeah I'm fine just sleepy" I lied. Dylan nodded and laid down next to me. I jerked up causing a strange face from Dylan. "You alright y/n?" Dylan asked. "Uh yes but um I think I'll go sleep in the guest bedroom, goodnight Dyl" and with that I left the room and plopped into the guest bedroom.

hey babes💜
part 2 will be out soon I promise
can't believe he would do that😂
but anyway please vote and follow me
love you all😘💜

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