The Second Date

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Harry's POV

I was getting dressed and getting ready to walk over to Jasmine's door when there was a knock. I opened the door and saw her. She had on a white tee shirt with brown boots and denim shorts. She looked beautiful.

"Thank you" she smirked at me

"I said that out loud?" I blushed and looked at the ground

"Yeah, but its okay. As long as you don't trash talk about me, its okay" She smiled at me and laughed at my shyness.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her

"Whenever you are" I grabbed her hand and led her out the door. We walked to my car and drove off. I was taking her to the Famous Dave's for supper and then we were going to go walk around Gatlinburg and watch the shindig (A/N Those are actually so much fun! They actually have them in Gatlinburg and they are one of the most fun things to attend, If you like old country).

Next we rode the Skylift and got our picture taken. As we stood, looking over the city, I noticed how her hair had this weird glow around her hair. There was a greenish glow that was hazy and dim, but still visible. I wonder if I'm the only one whose noticed it? Her eyes also were golden and focused, like she was thinking all the time about a very concerning matter. She was beautiful, but I wanted to know more about her than she'd ever voluntarily tell me. I grabbed her hand and stood next to her admiring the lights the flowed through the town and breathed in the fresh Smokey Mountain air. Soon we rode back down and headed back to campus.

Jasmine's POV

I could hear everything Harry was thinking and it made me worry. What if he found out more about me than I wanted him to know?

I can't worry about that now. I have to get ready for bed. I had a big exam in the morning and was not about to fail. I changed into my pajamas and fell asleep. As I tried to sleep, I felt a breeze in my room but when I opened my eyes nothing was there. I couldn't even sense anything, this was weird. Even for me. I ignored it and went to sleep but it continued until one final, warm breeze put me to sleep.

I woke up at 2:36 AM to a bright room. The walls were all white and windows everywhere with light brown curtains blowing gently. I got up and walked around the house seeing the same thing throughout the house. I walked outside and found I was in the middle of a wheat field with random trees everywhere. Everything was calm and serene. A little too calm but, I was going to enjoy it for the time being. I went and sat under one of the trees and laid with my eyes closed and heard a whisper.

"Jasmine" it whispered "Jasmine"

I opened my eyes and saw a woman in white standing in front of me. She wore a dress from the colonial times and wore little brown boots.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"You need to come with me."


"Come." She turned and walked away. This gave me no choice but to follow. So I did. We walked until she started sprinting suddenly. I was confused and stopped.

"HEY!" I yelled out but she kept going. I darted after her. Running until my lungs burned with the need of oxygen. Suddenly, my bones hurt. They were cracking and it made me want to stop and when I started slowing I heard the whisper again "Run". I listened and kept running. I was running and running, faster and faster and then I was leaping. I was leaping forward and when I looked outward, I saw paws. But these paws were not covered in my light brown fur, but silver with a blue tint. It was gorgeous and then I landed softly at the edge of a cliff. I looked out and saw a beautiful outlook. I saw bright green leaves on the plentiful trees and birds flying everywhere. There was water below me and waterfalls that I could see. Then they were gone. I saw smoke in the back of the woods that I saw and it was moving towards me. I heard something snap behind me so I looked back and there was a bright red and orange blaze coming towards me, slowly but surely. I looked forward again and the trees were all on fire. Looking back the trees were crashing down around me leaving me with one choice. Jump. So I did. I was falling, falling so fast I didn't even have time to scream before I hit the ground.

I woke up with a jerk, looking around me. I was in bed, in my pj's, drenched in sweat. Looking at the clock, I saw it was only 3:00 AM. Great. I got up and went to take a shower. I washed the sweat off me and thought about the change in fur color. I was going to have to look into that when I finished my semester. Yes, it was already almost winter break. Next week was finals week and I was going to shoot myself. I got back into bed and went back to sleep.

After Finals

I was walking to my car so I could go out for lunch, Chic-fil-a would hit the spot, when I was suddenly smacked in the face.

"What the hell!?" I screeched. I looked up and saw Shelley standing there smug.


"What the fuck were you thinking? Do you not have a life that you have to fucking hit me for no reason?" I rubbed my cheek glaring at her.

"We need to talk and this was the only way I knew how to get your attention."

"Forget that, you ain't getting shit from me and no information from me." I walked away and got in my car speeding off. What the hell was she doing? She can't just come up and hit me like that. I was speeding and was gonna get a ticket if I didn't calm down. I hit an ice patch and laid off the brakes and accelerator steering in the direction of the skid and gained control again then driving again. I got to the restaurant and ordered my chicken wrap meal. Grabbing my to-go bag, I drove to the mountains. There was minimal flurries around me so it was pretty nice to go up, warm enough for not too much snow but cold enough for my lungs to burn. I got to my spot and silently ate my lunch. I thought about my dream, wondering where it was located.

I don't know where that could've been, the water was so clear, the leaves so green, the- WAIT. California, LA, that's where it was. Why would I think about that though? And why would I have silver fur rather than brown? I wonder-

"Ah!!" I was falling forward off the mountain and my form wasn't shifting.

Unknown POV

I felt a sudden pain in side. I yelled out in pain and and grabbed my side.

"Alfa! What is wrong?" My beta came and asked me.

"I don't know John, my side is killing me." I screamed out again and yelled John went to get the pack doctor. He didn't see anything wrong which only meant one thing. My mate was hurt. But I don't remember meeting her....


Hey guys! I updated, yay 😂.. I'm sorry about my delay again. I love y'all! To those still with me, bless you

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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