Second chances

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Harry's POV

After the Taylor event, I realized I needed Jasmine to be mine with a real title. But I had to have a better date than the last. I texted Niall asking if he could do any snooping on what Jasmine would love to have as a first date.

From: Niall

She said she wants a romantic place in the mountains with candles and a picnic... Y?

From: Harry

Because, Im gonna retry our first date...

From: Niall
R u sure thts a good idea? She seemed pretty salty the first, first date.. :/

From: Harry


Okay, I now know what needs to be done. After class, I'm gonna run to the store and pick up some food and a blanket. Then, I'm going to get Niall to bring Jasmine to the mountains in Pigeon Forge. I'm currently in Physcology and all we have to do was pick a friend and evaluate their behavior and then report our findings. It was a project that was due in a week so its fairly easy. 

Jasmine's POV

I had just got done telling Niall about my dream first date.

"Why did you want to know?" I asked kinda perplexed

"One of my friends is crazy about you and wants to go on a date with you so I'm being their wingman" he smiled so proudly at me.

"Who is it?"

"Someone who will make you swoon. He's handsome and can be a really cool guy"

"Oh. Okay" I turned back to the teacher and focused on the lesson.

"Alright class" The teacher clapped his hands "On friday we will be dissecting cats" everyone groaned. I have two cats back home. How in the hell am I supposed to dissect one.

"Alright now! No need to jump with excitement. Please bring gloves and goggles. If you don't have any, I have just a few left over from the past years that people have given back to me" At that class was over and thankfully I had an hour before my next class. There were rumors that we were gonna have a test over what to do when presenting.

"Hey Jasmine" Zayn popped out of nowhere.

"Hey Zayn" I smiled at him

"Do you have a class this time?"

"No, I have an hour til business class"

"I thought you were majoring in Criminal Science?"

"I am but I have an associates degree in business so I use it as a minor" I chuckled at his confusion.

"You're only seventeen?"

"Nope. Actually I became legal just last Saturday"

"Congrats! But that still doesn't explain the associates"

"Oh! Right! Well, in high school I took college classes and by the end of senior year, I graduated with an associate's degree in business"

"Oh wow! You must be smart then huh?" he spoke with sarcasm

"Only a little" I giggled.

"Hey, you wanna grab lunch?" he asked

"Sure! How does Mexican sound?"

"I love Mexican food! Where to?"

"El Paso!!" I yelled. I got glares from professors that walked by so I whispered "El Paso!" Zayn laughed at my stupidity as we walked to his car. After 10 minutes we were at the restaurant of my choice.

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