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   Harry's POV

There was an animal trapping and snarling at me. Its eyes looked oddly familiar. Too familiar. It couldn't be Jasmine. No that's impossible, werewolves don't exist. Then again I do so why not.

"Jasmine?" her ears perked up as she backed away. She almost looked scared.

"Jasmine. I'm not gonna hurt you, just come here" I waved my hand towards me. It only caused her to back away further. Then, all of a sudden, she was running away. I started to follow her. I could easily catch up with her since I had my speed and strength. A quick two seconds later I had caught up with her and stopped in front of her. She transformed back to human.

"What part of 'Leave me alone' do you not understand?"

"Jasmine, please just listen-"

"No you listen Harold" she started wagging a finger at me "You cannot take a girl on a date then flirt with your waitress!" she growled loudly making it echo through the trees.

"I was not flirting!"

"HARRY YES YOU WERE! YOU EYED HER UP AND DOWN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" It started to hail and lighting struck very close to us


"FIRST AND LAST!" she started to run away again. I didn't know these woods so I stood there watching her lighting following her.

Well, I screwed up any chance of being together. I could get her back in time but it will take a lot to gain what little bit of trust I had. Now that I know she's not human it will make it a hundred times worse. I got back to the car and sent her a text only to have it ring in the seat next to him.

   Jasmine's POV

God, why did he have to be an A class Butt-whole? He got me made and made me wolf up. I hated that, it only reminds me how different I am. Other than my parents he is the only other person to know and I plan to keep it that why. I hear a rustling behind me and so thinking its Harry I pulled out my Mr. Smith 9 millimeter. I know its not big but its what I brought. The big guns are in my room. I turn around and aim my gun only to find a black bear eyeing me up and down. Its eyes weren't black they were blue and the fur had blonde tints.

"Branden stop messing around"

"I'm sorry Jasmine"

"Ya, you should be. I'm ticked and you know how I am when I get too bad"

"Well, what's wrong sis?"

"Boys are total screw ups and I wish I didn't have my powers,

"What's his name and what did he do. Imma kill him with my bear paws. Haha, see what I did there?" I just glared at him and went back to wolf form.

"Tough crowd tough crowd. Seriously what's the guys name?"

"Harry-" he cut me off immediately


"Yes, how'd you know?"

"He screwed with me and money"

"Branden I thought you got out of that druggie stuff. Wait he does drugs!?"

"I did and no. He doesn't do drugs he sold them. He's been of the coke market for a while"


"Ya, so how about you relax and we de-form back to humans alright?"

"Fine" with that I'm back in my hiking out fit. Branden had in his usual camo hoodie and denim jeans. He wasn't the most attractive man around but I can't say I never liked him. Worst two years of my life. But, Harry and drugs with Branden? I knew he wasn't a saint but I never expected that. I wonder what else I could get out of him. Branden had pulled me out of my thoughts by snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Earth to Jasmine. Where were you?"

"Got things on my mind. Say, what else can you say about him"


"Harry" I blushed thinking of his emerald eyes shining at me as he pleaded for me to listen earlier.

"Well, first of all. I don't know him as anything other than a one time sale. And second girl why you blushing?"

"First, I swear you are gay. Second, I don't know what your thinking about. I do not blush, I make boys blush"

"I'm not gay! Okay stop talking about me. You are a dog who blushed over a vampire. You know your clans won't mix"

"HE'S A VAMPIRE?! NO NO NO NO. NOT AGAIN!" I screamed into the sky and yet another storm brewed.

   Harry's POV

I was still sitting in the car when a woman with long, black hair came up to the driver's side and knocked on my window.

"Can I help you ma'am" I asked when I rolled down my window.

"I came to ask you the same. Who are you?"

"I'm waiting on a girl to finish calming down. Second, I don't give my name without a name from others first"

"Shelley Keith" she grinned at me.

~A/N I apologize for the very short chapter. How do you think about the book so far? What do you think will happen with Shelley? Don't forget to vote and comment! :-) Love you guys and thank you so much!

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