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Branden's POV

I got to the spot where me and Jasmine usually hang out when I saw him.

"What do you want Hunter?" I heard Jasmine say

"You know just walking around"

"Bullshit Hunter"

"What? Why do always expect the worst from me?"

"Because I know its true. Hunter what the hell do you want? I don't feel like yelling. I already have to deal with Branden being nosy why you too?" I'm nosy? No, I just look out for my friends.

"Hunter just leave please"

"You know you good in that outfit"


"I'm just saying"

"Ya, so am I"

"Why are here? All alone" he took a step closer to Jasmine.

" I won't be in a few minutes. Branden should be here soon"

"Well, I guess I have a few minutes then" he flashed in front of Jasmine and grabbed her arms.

   Jasmine's POV

Hunter came up to me and grabbed my arms.

"Let go!" I threatened with gritted teeth. His grip only tightened.

"I said let go!" The wind started to blow wickedly around us. I glared at him with fire in my eyes. 

"You don't scare me Hunter so why do you try? I've never been intimidated. You're just a sleaze bag" I smirked knowing I got under his skin easily.

"You may not have been scared earlier but you are now. I also know that you are in fact intimidated by me"

''In your dreamed maybe, but in real life.... NEVER!!!!!" With that I pushed him back into a tree and was on top of him. After that everything went blurry. My fist was connecting with his jaw over and over, left and right. I was kicking, punching, anything that could cause some way, shape, or form of pain. I felt hands on my shoulders yanking me back. They were rough yet gentle at the same time. I looked back at Hunter to see him on the ground close in conciseness.

"Why'd you pull me away?!" I turned to find Branden and Harry standing there. "WELL?!"

"Jasmine, you were gonna kill him" Branden explained softly.

"Why should I care? I know you watched everything he did too me I could smell your ugly scent!"

"Jasmine, stop" Harry felt the need need to put his two sense in

"Why are you even here Harold?"

"To find you after I left you like that"

"Stop acting like you care! I have met so many other people like you and all the care about is who's pants you can get into!" I started running but he soon caught up and grabbed my arm.

"Jasmine, you need to calm down! I am not that kind of guy! I was freshly drunk so please do not try that sh*t with me!"

"No you know what?!" right when it started thundering.

"No I don't know please explain oh wise one"

"I'm done. I'm done with guys like you, You, and all my other problems. Goodbye Harry" I started running as fast as I could toward the cliff. I ignored Harry's distance calls of 'stop's and jumped off the cliff. I was falling. It was like everything was in low motion though. I was able to see the leaves on the trees, the bugs flying past me. You know how after Bella was turned into a Vampire, That is how I felt and everything looked. Before I hit the ground I did a silent prayer that would do no good since I was evil blood. I felt the ground and saw black surrounding me. Then..... Silence.

~A/N~ I am so sorry for the long wait. Everything has been just kicking my butt and I am just sorry. Comment what I should out in my story and a shout out to @AYClaudy. Read her story Outside the Ropes..... AMAZING!! VOTE AND COMMENT PLZ!!! THANK YOU LOVE Y'ALL~

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