Chapter 31: Mockingjay

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Chapter 31 [Annie's P.O.V.]

When I wake my head is throbbing, and I am chilled to the bone. My first thought is, what happened to the games? What has happened to Finnick? I mentally panic, frantically straining to remember anything I could. Then that's when the urging voice in the back of my head came forth; Where am I?

I stretch my hands out to the floor: it's cold damp rock or some kind of concrete. My eyes are open, but there is no difference when my eyes are closed. A quick breath execrates in my throat. Have I gone blind?

What had happened? Why am I not home? Why had people kidnapped me? I remain gasping for air as my hands crawl across the floor. I hold out a hand in front of my body and another holding my body up from the floor as I stumble forward, eyes still numb with no vision. My hand hits a wall, another rock wall. I run my hand across the wall and the floor, redirecting my way. The floor dips down at random intervals, making me trip and slowing down my process and sometimes giving me bad cuts.

A light glow radiates from up ahead, then I could recognize the gray color of the wall up ahead, and metal bars. I blink my eyes, realizing I'm not blind--it's just that dark. I am fully aware of my shallow and loud breaths.

My arms reach out for the metal bars, and I press myself the tightest I can to them, trying to spot anything.

As I strain to recognize anything other that shapes, my breathing booms in my ear, deep and loud. I slouch, finding nothing.

That's when I hear a scream. A woman's scream, followed by splashes and a disturbed gargling. I stumble backwards, terrified of what is being done to her, and fall onto the hard rock, back first.

My back aches, and I moan. The screams continue. I can't make out any words other than pleas in between gurgles. I pull my hands up to my ears, and hum in an attempt to drown out the noises.

The woman's scream suddenly stops. I warily lower my hands, but keep them close enough just incase they return. A low mumble of a deep male's voice speaks followed by chains. The chains continue to rattle, and come towards my cell.

I shrivel to the back of my cell, dreading the monster that must be coming after me.

A pair of men in white peacekeeper clothed men walk down the hall, becoming visible through the cell bars. I shriek, remembering the night I had been taken from my home. Maybe they are coming for me.

Between them, tight in their grip, staggers a woman, head shaved and soaking wet. She trips, the men catch her in their hands before she falls.

The woman lifts her head to the right, searching for something to grab to help her up, but instead her eyes fall into my cell, and into my eyes. A choke clogs my throat, sickened by the sight of her. The guards lift her back into a standing position, and pull her away from the small door of visibility my cell bars give me.

Then it dawns on me who I saw.

I just saw Johanna Mason.

My mouth frowns in a horrible grimace and tears start spilling. I remember her, from television and the short moments in the Capitol. If they have her, do they have Finnick? I sob into my hands, they will come for me and hurt me. They will hurt Finnick, who knows, they probably already have.

I curl up on my side. Please, please, please, I cry in my head. I don't know why I do. I have nothing to plead for. I don't know what will happen. I slowly, cry myself into unconsciousness


[Finnick's P.O.V.]

I purposely knock myself out, to avoid the reality. Within seconds of being conscious I panic. It's Annie. I can hear her screams, the same screams from the jabberjay, the same screams from her nightmares.

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