Chapter 2 ~ Meeting Again

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~Unwonted is a retell of Backfire. It's exactly the SAME story, but from a different POV~

Chapter 2 ― Meeting Again

I don’t know exactly why but I’m all down after the contest and no, it’s not because I lost. I guess it’s because of that girl, Alex. I just can’t get her out of my mind. I know she is not my style and I never thought I could get interested in a girl like her. It’s like water and oil, we don’t look anything alike. However, I can’t stop thinking of her and moaning over the fact she turned me down.

People always say because I’m Niall Horan I can get any girl I want, but that’s not true. Being Niall Horan doesn’t make me a girl-magnet, there are still girls who won’t like me. Clearly, Alex is one of them. Maybe I’m just not her style, although I was wearing that custom yesterday, she still didn’t accept to go on a date with me. There are girls who will choose any of the boys over me and I know that. And something tells me, a little voice in my head, that if Alex had known exactly who I am, he would’ve rejected me even faster. She doesn’t look like the girl who would date a popstar, she looks like a girl who would date a rebel rockstar. Next to her, I look like a teddy bear for a baby.

“Hey mate, why so down?” Louis asks me placing his arm over his shoulder. We were rehearsing as we have some shows coming up soon.

“Nothing, I’m all right,” I reply but I can see he doesn’t believe me. The other lads approach us, as well.

“Are you like that for the girl of yesterday?” Harry asks. He is the first to notice when it’s a girl-problem.

“No?”  I lie, but it sounds more like a question and they laugh. Man, I need to learn how to lie.

“It’s a bummer she turned you down, but there’re thousands of other girls waiting for you. C’mon, cheer up, mate!” Liam tries and I smile, but it doesn’t feel honest.

“What if we go grab something at Nando’s so you’ll feel better?” Zayn suggests and it’s Nando’s, I can’t deny to that. I have a whole reputation as a bottomless pit, I need to live up to expectations, you know?

“Okay,” I agree and they all cheer. I may have not got the girl, but I still have my mates and they always cheer me up.

+ + + + +

We go to Nando’s and right after we order, I need to go to the toilet so I excuse myself. I was already feeling better, accepting that she was just a girl and that I didn’t have to feel bad because she turned me down. I hear someone humming one of your songs so I get distracter and I end up bumping into someone. I wrap my arms around the person immediately so no one will end up on the floor. It happens so fast that I don’t relay see whom I’m holding until we are both stable on our feet. She backs away quickly, apologising.

She looks so different from yesterday, but she is as beautiful as I remember. This time she is wearing a dress, a lovely navy dress with white dots and her hair is in a ponytail, which allows me to see she has a tattoo under her ear of a snake. It’s an amazing tattoo, really well done and realistic. It’s not huge and it looks really great on her.

“Alex?” I say, a smile escaping to my lips and she looks kind of confused at the beginning, but then her eyes shoot wide open.

“Niall!” she replies gleefully. “What a surprise! I didn’t recognise you dressed up like this,” she then tells me and I look at myself. I’m not in a costume today, that’s for sure, just my normal clothes. I bet she won’t like them, I certainly don’t look like her type. “I must say, you look better this way. Yesterday’s look wasn’t your thing.”

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