Chapter 15 ~ Girlfriend

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Chapter 15 ― Girlfriend

As time passes by I realise how hard I'm falling for Alex and how happy she makes me. We can do nothing and have a great time. Just having her next to me is wonderful and I know I sound totally whipped, but it's the truth.

You look at us and you think 'there can't be two people more different than them' but I swear, Alex was made for me. There's no other logic explanation. I can be myself around her without holding back. If I wanna talk about food for a whole hour, she would listen to me and get interested! Or if I wanna talk about guitars and music and although she doesn't know many things about it, she tries to understand. If I start talking about farts, she doesn't get offended or anything, she goes along with it. If I wanna talk about sports, and Alex is really not into sports, she still listens to me and lets me rant, although she laughs at me. She even watches games with me and asks me things, just so she understands better.

I'm not afraid of telling her the things I like, even if she doesn't share my taste, because I know she accepts me like I am, for who I am and that's why I feel free with her. And she does the same and I always respect her, no matter what. Even if I don't understand what she is talking about, I'll always care for what she has to say.

I really like spending time with her, as much as I can. She makes me laugh, she makes me think, she makes me happy. Big part of me doesn't want this summer to end, not only because we're all having a great time, but also because once the tour is over Alex will go back to classes and I'll carry on with my career, which will mean we won't have as much time to spend together. I'll miss having her around every day.

That's why I try to make every day count, although we try to keep it low profile. Not only for the fans because I don't want them to know just yet, but also because of Zayn. I've noticed how he stares at us, with longing in his eyes. I know he is happy for us, but he still has feelings for Alex. He can't fool me. And Alex knows it, too.

"You know about Zayn, right?" She asks me one day we stay in my room. I like partying very much, but when I'm with Alex I don't need to go out. With her is more than enough to have fun.

At the beginning I don't get what she means, until it hits me. "Oh... yeah, I know. That's why I never told him how I feel about you," I reply, kissing her forehead, remembering how scared I was that she may return his feelings. "That's why I got so jealous when you were with him, too."

"Aw, jealous Niall!" She teases me but I don't mind 'cos she pecks my lips next. "But going back to Zayn, it's so awkward and I thought we shouldn't make things harder for him, you know? I talked about this with him, too," Alex adds and I nod.

"I understand what you mean. Aye, you're right," I agree and I get another kiss. Yay! "But please, don't spend too much time with him alone," I ask because I trust Alex, but still, I'm afraid of losing her and Zayn is a big threat. "I know you would never try something with him and he's one of my best mates, but... I guess I don't wanna take any risk regarding you."

She stares back at me and for a moment I'm afraid she may get mad at me because I have no right to ask her not to spend time with Zayn, but I can't help it. I'm insecure by nature, especially when it comes to girls.

"Got it. And don't worry," she answers and I release the air I was holding. She is so understanding! That's why when she kisses me, I get lost in our moment.

That's one of the things I love about Alex. No, I don't mean how understanding she is... okay, also that. But I mean how much she cares about her friends. She knows Zayn still fancies her and she doesn't want to hurt him, that's why she asks me to keep the PDA to the minimum when we're near Zayn, just so he won't get hurt. I know I would appreciate that if it had been the other way around.

It must be really hard for him... I don't know what I would do if I were in his shoes. I'm really lucky that Alex likes me back.

+ + + + +

"Hey, love. What're you doing?" I ask sitting next to her in the bunk. She shows me her tumblr dashboard.

We're heading to Manchester and I know she is excited because we'll see her brother and for what she's told me, they can't see each other very often.

"We're almost there. Are you excited?" I ask her when she closes her laptop and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Of course!" she replies with a big smile. "You're all gonna love him," Alex adds and I know she means her brother, Ethan.

Kissing the top of her head I reply, "I'm sure we will. I'm a tad nervous, though."

"Don't worry. Ethan is a nice guy... most of the time." I tense at her words, panicking, but then she laughs. "Relax, everything's gonna be fine. This is the first time I'm gonna introduce a boyfriend to him and I warned him to be nice," she explains and I forget everything about my nerves for meeting her brother when she says boyfriend.

I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend, although I've been dying to, but it's hard... I don't really know how to do it, when it would be the perfect moment. With Alex, things are always different, so I don't really know how to proceed.

"Boyfriend, uh?" I say dreamily.

"Yeah, I won't introduce you as the boy I'm dating or just my friend. I don't really care about labels, but Ethan is very protective," she explains and that kills the mood a bit, but I don't mind.

"I like how it sounds. I like saying that you're my girlfriend." That's totally true. I've wanted to call her my girlfriend since I met her. "I wasn't sure if I had to ask you formally or not. You're not like other girls."

"I know, I'm pretty unique. Sometimes I think I come from another planet," she teases and I chuckle. Maybe she is from another world, maybe she is my Star Girl. "No, but I understand. Now, for your information, I have considered you 'my boyfriend' for a long time. Practically, since the third date."

Her words make me so happy that I don't really mind how this happened, but it's official. Alex is my girlfriend and that gets me all tingly inside, which is so weird, so I try to forget about that and kiss her. Okay, that's only an excuse, I just wanna kiss her because I love the way she tastes, how she makes me feel, how perfect this is.

We get very into the kiss, until someone interrupts us. "Ew, no PDA in the bus! I came here looking for my wife because I'm starving, but I find her with her lover snogging and now I lost my appetite. Thank you very much!" Louis complains as we break the kiss and stare at him.

"Would you forgive me if I bake you carrot muffins?" She trades and my stomach cheers. It's fair to say we're all obsessed with carrot muffins now, Alex's carrots muffins, because we've tried others and they are not a hundredth part as good as hers. If Louis' love for carrots was a joke before, now I believe it's true and it's all because of Alex.

"Carrot muffins?" Louis asks. I feel you, bro! I also want those muffins now. "I LOVE YOU, WIFE!!" He jumps on her, and me, of course.

"Hey, I want food, too! I claim privileges as your boyfriend!" I protest getting rid of Louis and I take full pleasure of calling her my girlfriend.

"If I can't move, I can't bake," Alex says and her words are magic because in one second, Louis and I are on our feet in front of her. "Let's go. I'll make something for you two."

With a smile she stands up and heads to the kitchen and we follow her happily. Yay! We'll get some Alex's food. This is the best.


Dedication for my fellow Chilean, @JosefinaSierra

Bel, xx

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