Chapter 18 ~ Public

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Chapter 18 ― Public

Back in the hotel we’re bored as fuck and we can’t exactly go clubbing because, first we have a gig tomorrow and we already went out the day before. Two nights in a row would be too much. Plus, without Alex and Phebs it’s no fun because they are in Manchester, but not in the hotel, they are with Ethan. I don’t wanna go out without Alex.

Liam suggests we do a twitcam and it’s a good idea, we haven’t done once since that day the girls came to my flat and the fans are always asking for one. They are so happy when we, or even one of us, do a twitcam. So using my extremely improved macbook —thank you, Alex— we log in and start broadcasting.

We talk about random things, we laugh, we even play games. We answer as many questions as we can even when they ask for the girls. We know people have seen us hanging around with three girls that are not part of the crew, so they are all speculating. Of course we’ve agreed to protect them, so we don’t reveal any information, but mate, they are better than the FBI. And way faster. Sometimes that scares me a bit. Okay a lot.

We tried to disguise ourselves when we went to drop Belle, but someone caught us leaving the bowling centre, which means, someone saw me with Alex. They know I’m with someone and I don’t even wanna see what they are saying, but I’m afraid what Alex will find out. I know she is watching the twitcam because I sent her a text. I don’t want her to read the bad comments because, as fast as it scrolls, I can see some of the nasty ones.

I think Alex sees my affliction through the screen because I receive a text:

Don’t say anything. I don’t care about what they may think — Alex

I don’t say anything, but still, I’m worried. I can’t control what others say but I don’t want them to hurt the girl I love. That’s why as soon as we finish the twitcam, I run to call Alex.

“I’m so sorry for that!” I blurt out as soon as she picks up. “I should’ve been more careful when we got out the bowling. I’m so, so sorry for everything they said about you. You must know that I don’t believe any of that.” I need her to understand that, it’s important. No matter what the fans say, they can’t affect what I think.

“Shh, Niall, it’s okay,” she replies and I take a deep breath because she sounds serene. “The only thing I care about is what you think. I know you wanted to say something, but I’m really glad you didn’t.”

“I was dying to stand up for you. I don’t want people talking rubbish about you when, obviously, you don’t deserve it. You’re one of the most incredible people I’ve met and they are just speaking out of jealousy.” I tell her. I feel terrible for not stopping our fans from saying those things about Alex. What kind of boyfriend allows that to happen?

“I know, babe. I’m not gonna lie to you, it hurts to see how much they can hate me just because I’m close to you, but words by people I don’t know can’t reach me. Plus, I knew something like this was gonna happen sooner or later,” she tells me and I feel the ends of my mouth curling up in a proud smile.

“See what I mean? You’re incredible!” I tell her because she is, she understands this and doesn’t lie to me. She says it hurts, but that she is better than that. And she is, of that I have no doubt. “Are you having fun with your brother?” I ask her to change subjects although I still feel bad for not protecting her like I should’ve.

“Yeah. He’s watching Doctor Who, so he didn’t even notice we left him alone.” I laugh, imagining that.

“Tomorrow is the last concert in Manchester, after that we’re leaving. You’ll be here early, won’t you?” I venture, just to make sure. I still have to apologise in person.

“Of course! Ethan won’t go though, he has to work tomorrow,” Alex replies and I nod. After that we keep talking for a while until she has to go.

And the very next day the first thing I do when I see her is to apologise: “I’m so sorry!”

After we talked I checked some of the rumours and what people were saying and they were being horrible to Alex, calling her a delinquent just because of her looks. Totally uncalled! The way she dresses has nothing to do with who she is and Alex is one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. People are not seeing that because she has a punk style.

How can they be so unfair?

“Sooner or later they were going to find out,” she tells me, taking my hand and tangling our fingers together.

I know that, but I still feel bad for exposing Alex to all that unjustified hatred. “You’re not worried about all the hate and rumours?” I ask her because I just read some of the gossips, not all of them. They already know her name, what she does and many other scary things.

“I’m not thrilled,” she says honestly. “But I believe we can handle it. We’re not the first to go through this and we most definitely won’t be the last ones.”

I smile, so proud of her. What further proof do I need to believe Alex is perfect for me? They way she manages all this is just impeccable. “I can deny everything if you want me to,” I offer, although I don’t want to do that, Alex is the best thing in my life, I’m so proud of her and happy that she is with me. I want to tell the world we’re together.

“No need. I don’t want you to lie for me, but you don’t have to make it public either. Just leave it and let’s forget about that, shall we?” She proposes and my smile grows even wider.

“I knew I liked you for a reason. You’re great. The way you’re taking this is brilliant,” I tease, making her smile.

“Of course she’s brilliant, dah, she’s my wife!” Louis steps in our conversation and even between us, wrapping his arms around Alex. “Niall, stop monopolising Alex. You know we all love her, me more than anybody else.”

“And I love you, and by you I mean your car. You know that, right?” Alex teases and I laugh at her words and Louis’ expression.

“Hurtful, wifey, hurtful,” he condemns. “Okay, let’s forget about the leprechaun that I know is glaring daggers at me and run away together! There’s a table full of food in the dressing room. Wanna come with me?” He adds and I’m not exactly glaring daggers at him, I just want him to let go of Alex so I can hug her.

“Oh, husband, you know how to get to me, don’t you?” She keeps joking and Louis’ smile is something worthy of being in a museum. “But you know that my heart will always be with Niall. I’m sorry, husband. I’m so sorry.”

I feel my heart skipping a beat at her words, even if she is still kind of joking.

“You’re always breaking my heart,” Louis dramatises and fakes crying. He could become an actor any moment.

Then the rest of the lads come and they achieve to separate Alex and Louis, for which I applaud them. “Sorry I read that question, Alex,” Harry apologises meaning the question about who the girls were, which led to everyone finding about Alex and I.

“It’s okay, let’s go for that food,” she replies and I smile again at how smoothly she is taking everything.

I take her hand, tangling out fingers together so we can make our way to the dressing room and Louis does the same with Alex’s other hand. For a second the three of us stop until he mouths ‘I’m okay with polygamy’, making us all laugh.


Only three chapters left and yes, get ready. Anyways, remember today I start posting Call Me Ella, my new Niall Horan fan fiction. And if you haven't read The Comeback yet, then you must.

Dedication to @laly13

Bel, xx

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