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Danielle's POV

Mrs. Guthers was standing there with a confused look on her face but at the same time, she’s angry. We weren’t in the nurse’s office anymore but instead, we were in the principal’s office. The last time I was here was my freshman year and it’s because Mrs. Guthers wanted me to know that I had the highest report card overall the whole school; shocking, I know. Not I mean that I was last called because of something good but I had the highest score overall the WHOLE school. I mean how crazy is that?

Back to the point; Mrs. Guthers is still yelling about how good I was but then I got into a fight. I rolled my eyes at her but then I gave Nikki a death glare because of the bruise she gave me. It hurts you know, bitch? I groaned.

“I didn't do anything except throwing water at her dress.” I said to Mrs. Guthers who was finished babbling her speech about fighting.

“And why did you do that?” The tired principal asked me.

I glanced at Nikki. “Because she won’t mind off other people’s business.”

Mrs. Guthers sighed and looked over at Nikki who was avoiding eye contact. “Nikki, did you really have you punch her?”

“No, not really.” She admitted which made me wrinkle my nose at the bullshit.

“Then why’d you do it?”

“Because she hurt my friend.” She defended.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, and that’s so your business.” I said sarcastically.

The blonde glared at me. “Shut up.”

“I would love to but—”

 Mrs. Guthers cut me off directly. “Enough.” She said sternly. “Detention for both of you.”

Nikki and I both looked down in defeat. “Yes, Mrs. Guthers.”


We left the principal’s office with silence both Nikki and I. I was looking at the floor with the thoughts ‘how in hell am in supposed to explain this to my parents?’ because as far as I know, I’m the good one here and both my parents will be screaming at me and lecturing me. I sighed in the thoughts and groaned.

“Look, I’m sorry.” Nikki started.

I looked at her. “Me too.”

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be sorry.”

“Well, I don’t care.” I sang.

She chuckled and offered to walk to the gym where the basketball is being held at. Of course I took the offer.

I was watching from the bleachers beside Haley and Sam. Still, Ella is nowhere to be seen. I shrugged to that and continued to watch the game. We were currently leading by ten points.. I think and I saw how defeated Lucas was and how hot Evan looked. Wait, what? Ha, yeah, touché.

And the whistle blows; another trophy for Middle Ground. As the daughter of the one who owns the school and everything around here, I got the honors to take the trophy. How cool was that? They took a picture and hand it over to me. I was holding the trophy with Lucas beside me and Evan kissing my cheek. I blushed at it because of how cute I was with Evan.

“Good game, huh?” The sweaty boy asked. “Of course, it’s because they have Evan Tyler on the team.”

I chuckled. “Well, they also have Lucas.” I stuck my tongue out.

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He sang.

We saw Haley entering the scene, kissing Evan on the cheek. This is actually just normal for us. I mean, we’ve been a trio since kindergarten and we cuddle, kissed cheeks and say I love you and those kinds of stuff so the feeling’s mutual.

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