The Thing About Surprises

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Danielle's POV

I didn’t question where Lucas went because obviously, he went back into his house after I fell asleep on his lap. At least that’s what Ella said.

Today was the day of the surprise which is Monday. Yes, it’s Monday already. Nothing happened between me, Lucas, Haley and Evan during the weekend except for the fact Lucas asked for my help. I’m so glad to be songwriting again; I haven’t in quite a while and you do not need a smartass to figure out why. Okay, it’s because of the Lucas thing and I’m always so caught up with over thinking these days. But I figured, I need to let all my emotions go with music.

After my waking up routine— opening my eyes, rubbing them, yawn, think for a minute, yawn again then think again and finally, get my butt of the bed— I quickly take a shower. I stripped and let warm water explore my body.

I have no idea what’s going to come today because obviously, who does? Surprises are always surprises and within these surprises there might be other surprises. Because my mom used to tell me that the thing about surprises is way more than you expect. Right here and right now, I’m expecting Haley going back with Lucas but maybe; just maybe, it could be possibly more than that.

After that nice and long shower, I went into my closet and picked out an outfit to wear. I decided to wear a T-shirt that is sleeveless with an infinite sign in it and that covers only until my tummy, short jeans, denim jacket and sneakers. I only wear simple things every day because I didn’t want to have a reputation as a slut like Lilian.

I shuddered at the Lucas and Lilian memory. Great, it’s crawling back again.

Before leaving the house, I put on a light make up— a light blush, mascara, eye shadow and light pink lipstick— then without having breakfast, I ran from the house. Ella was still sleeping so I didn’t want to bother her.

My bag slung over my shoulder and my blonde locks covered my shoulder. As I took two steps from my house, someone called my name.

“Hey, Dani, wait up!” If I’m blind I still can tell who this voice belongs to and it belongs to my best friend, Haley Maze Johnson.

I turned my head into her direction and stopped walking. “Hey, Hales.”

“By the way, come to my house today, okay? No questions, you and Evan will come, once again, no questions, it’s a surprise.”


“A surprise.”

She sighed in defeat as my other best friend, Evan James Tyler, came into the view. His brown hair is messy and the blonde is sneaking its way up his head, making him look much hotter than before.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like Evan but I’ve never actually think of him that way. And every time I say that, my mind always goes ‘why?’ and the answer to that is I don’t want to make it awkward between us. I like the guy and—

But wait that’s it!

I like Evan Tyler; I’m the one who always like him. That’s why I always notice how his hair falls down messy, how his eyes were feeling and how I always get captivated whenever he looks at me. So that’s why my stomach is always twisting whenever he’s around and I always blush when he kisses my cheek and I just realized my hidden feelings are actually for my best friend.

“Danielle!” Haley snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head, jumping. “What?”

Both Evan and her chuckled. “What’s with the wide smile?” Haley asked.

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