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Danielle’s POV

She’s gone. Mom’s gone, Danielle. She’s gone. Mom’s gone, Danielle. She’s gone. Mom’s gone, Danielle. You’ve been out for three days, Danielle. She’s gone. Mom’s gone, Danielle. She’s gone. Gone… gone…

I shot up straight on the bed, screaming.

No, this can’t be happening, mom’s not gone, she isn’t. They’re just lying. She got into a car accident but she’s not dead. She’s still with us, she’s not gone, she’s not, I just know it.

“Danielle!” Ella hugged me. “Shh…”

“She’s gone.” I sobbed. I can’t resist that’s she’s gone because there were proves. “She’s gone and I didn’t have the chance to say anything to her. It’s my fault; I was too weak.”

“It’s not your fault, Danielle.” She told me.

I looked around and I couldn’t breathe. “I have to get out of here, I can’t stay here.”

“The doctors said until you’re steady.”

I shook my head, feeling water watering up my cheeks as my vision went blurry. “But I want to go home and watch Pretty Little Liars with mom.”


I ignored her. While sobbing, I said, “I want to fangirl over Taylor Swift with her, I want to see her smirking over—”


I snapped my head at her direction. Still sobbing, I said, “What?”

“She’s gone.” She sighed.

“She’s not gone.” I stopped crying. I wipe the water off my face and continued to refuse. “In fact, I think she just flew to the moon like she always wanted. I assume she’s walking in outer space right now like she’s in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show but on the moon. She’s going to go—”

“But she is not, Danielle!” Now she’s the one sobbing. “She flew to the moon, yes but then she lost her spaceship and she can’t go back to us.”


Ella sighed. “Dani, uhm, mom told this before she flew away.” I looked up at her. “It’s crucial to think that the world took someone we love—”

“Took the spaceship of someone we love,” I corrected her.

“Took the spaceship of someone we love,” She acknowledged. “But then again, it’s life. You need to stay strong for mom— we need to stay strong for mom. I bet she’s looking down from the moon right now, not wanting us to cry over her. But she wants us to keep our heads up, stay strong and fake a smile and life will go on. Do you think you can do that?”

I nodded my head. “I’ll do anything for her.”

God, I sounded like a drunk patient. But the truth, I was hurt and confused. Since I didn’t get the chance to talk to mom because I was gone for two fucking days, I was really fucked up on what’s going on. Waking up just this morning, I found dad crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said things what Ella said about saying strong. I didn’t know what he was talking about until Ella said that mom’s gone.

She’s just gone like that.

What was I doing in these two days? I honestly cannot remember.

All I remember was hearing my name called in distance then it just blacked out. And then what’s creepy is that I think I met God… I mean, serious I was like in a cloudy place kind of shit and I was wearing a cute white dress. There was a person standing right in front of me – which I assume is God – and He talked to me. He talked about staying strong just what Ella told me.

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