Chapter 26

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Acacia POV -

I like Luke and Michael I really don't remember how i got Michael's number, But it's a good thing that I did.

"So what have you guys been doing lately?"

"You know same old same old stuff that famous people do."

"Oh so basically normal stuff that people do?"

"I mean like yeah."

Jordan POV -

I wasn't a big fan of this girl she basically had her hands all over Luke, Not that I care anyway but it could get annoying a lot.

She tried everything to get his attention and boy she got it all. She could not sit somewhere else, she had to sit right by Luke, And to be honest her voice got really annoying.

So like I tried to be nice because she was a guest and so was i, I just don't get it. They treat her way more better than they do treat me. To my point of view she does not look right in this band.

"Can I talk to you alone Jordan?"

"Um, yeah sure I guess."

"I'm going to go for Luke if you try and ruin it for me, it'll be your mistake, so stay way!"

"Listen bitch I never said I was going too, Me and Luke are just friends and to be honest he does not look interested in you whatsoever. So good luck trying anyway."

By that point I couldn't stand her, she thinks i wanted Luke? Clearly me and him are just friends and that is all. She does not look pretty, looks pretty fake to me. But apparently other people have different opinions. And I don't mind but if they want her sloppy seconds go ahead then, who's stopping her?

"Can you help me with these boxes Jordan?"

"And why would you want my help?"

"Because the only one here."

"Oh yeah, that's right you doesn't have nothing better to do, so you want my help. Well don't ask, because I don't think you need it."

"Excuse me I asked you a question I'd like that to be answered."

"Guess what I did answer your question, but if you clearly heard me loud enough you'll understand."

"I'm going to go find Luke and the rest of the boys."

"Hopefully Luke won't get your sloppy seconds, But I doubt he would want to anyway."

Acacia POV -

I just asked Jordan for some help for the boxes and she completely turned everything around. I wasn't being rude or anything I just asked a simple question and she turned on me. I didn't understand why but if she wants what she wants then should get it.

"Hey guys?"

"Hey Acacia, what's up?"

"Well I wanted help from Jordan but she was being rude to me."

"Why would Jordan do that she's nice?"

"I really don't know I mean I just asked her for some with the boxes and she turned on me."

"Do you want me to go talk to her?"

"Yeah sure that'd help a lot."

Luke POV -

"What did you do to Acacia?"

"What do you mean what did I do, what did she do?"

"Okay don't start because she's really nice."

"Nice meaning pretty fake? Then yes she is."

"Seriously? You going to start now?"

"I'm not starting anything I make my point."

"And your point is supposed to be?"

"She acts all nice and stuff around the band, But to be honest she's pretty fake if you ask me this."

"I didn't ask you what you thought of her, I asked you to be nice to her."

"Then what if I don't?"

"Then you have to go back from where you came from!"

"Wait, what? No!"

"Then start acting your age and grow up."

Jordan POV -

I couldn't believe what Luke said to me. People think I'm jealous, jealous of what? Of her being fake? Yeah I could be fake whenever I want I just choose to be real not fake. And if the band can't understand that, then what can they understand for me to tell them? Probably nothing because they think she's innocent and sweet, When she wants to stay away from Luke, and she's fake. And I'll prove it. I'll make sure of it.

"Do you want butter for your toast?"

"No thanks I'm not hungry right now."

"Jordan, you have to eat someday."

"I just said I'm not hungry why can't you understand that?"

"Fine, then chill out, gesh. Someone isn't in a good mood today."

"Nope, not till she leaves."

"You know why can't you just get along with her?"

"Because I don't get along with people that likes to be fake."

"And my point is that she's not."

"Do I have to prove this to you now?"

"Yes until you prove this to me and we'll talk."

"Fine but it's gonna come out sooner or later."

"By who?"

"Me, myself, and I."

"And don't you worry I'll be waiting."

Ashton POV -

I haven't talked to Jordan in a few days because Acacia is here, and talking with the group and i like her being here, its nice and fun watching us have fun times again.

"Can you pass me the butter please?"

"Here you go Acacia."

"And some toast please?"

"Jordan wake up and smell the coffee."

"Excuse me what did you just say?"

"Wake up and smell the coffee and passed the toast to Acacia."

"Fine. Do you go."

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