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A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Lucid dreams usually feel as if you've never left the real world, it's as if you've just traveled into your own utopia. Lucid dreams aren't always happy − there are negative affects.

A person who is a lucid dreamer can learn to control their dreams, but Ezra Schultz is a lucid dreamer who cannot. And he's okay with that, because not being able to control his dreams is what brought Theena Iver into them.



W E laid spread apart over top a soft white blanket in the middle of my living room. The glow in the dark stars you had begged to place along the ceiling was our source of light.

"This is going to fade away you know?" You scooted closer and lifted your hands under your cheek.

"Which is why I'm going to savor the time we have now," I answered shortly, staring up at the ceiling.

I'd savor these moments from the time we have now and even to the time that this dream will be broken and I will be thrown back in to what I know as reality.

"I'm not real Ezra," you whispered. "You're hanging on to something that isn't real."

I'm not an unintelligent man. I know the fine line between dreams and reality. I know, but yet I try my best to deny it when in my dreams. I know that you, the girl of my dreams, are not an existing being. I know that you're purely just a figment of my imagination, but yet I never knew how to get rid of you, and I didn't want to. And maybe being in love with someone who isn't real makes a person crazy. Then I guess I'm crazy.

"I'm hanging on to something that could be real," I lied.

I lied and I knew it was a lie, because this could never be real. And that's what made me angry. I'd give up everything for you. I'd give anything to you. I'd give you my love. I'd give you my poems. I'd give you the snow. I'd give you the rain. I'd give you the moon. I'd give you the sun. I'd even give you my heart, because I'd rather a kind soul like you keep it then someone bitter and lonely like me.

"You're going to wake up, and you're going to get through whatever plans you have for the day. And then you're going to meet a girl, and she will be the girl that causes you to forget about me. Because I'm not real."

You say that. You say that every time we meet. You say it as if every time I leave I'll never come back. You say that as if I don't know. And sometimes I think that I should take it as a sign, but most times I choose not to. I turned my head to face you.

"You're wrong, because when I wake up I'm going to lay there on my bed flat on my back. And I'm going to stare at the ceiling," I rasped out. "And I'm going to think out loud, Damn, if you were right next to me I'd kiss you senseless. I'm going to think of you when I wake up."

I paused and flicked a loose piece of your dark hair away from your eye. Continuing, I smiled slightly. "And then, I'm going to lazily get up, and I'm going to shuffle over to my bathroom. I'm going to brush my teeth, and I'm going to think out loud, Damn, if you were right next to me we could be brushing our teeth together. I'm going to think of you when I brush my teeth."

I poked at your nose. "And when I'm done with that I'm going to go to my kitchen and make a bowl of cereal and sit up on my bar counter and think out loud, Damn, if you were here right now you I'd make you breakfast and blast some Billy Joel while I'm at it. I'd think of you when I'm eating breakfast."

"You'd think of me every moment of the day is what you're pretty much saying," she joked.

"I'd think of you when I'm supposed to be thinking about real life; my job, my bills, my family, my friends. It's always you."

Your green eyes lit up. Your lips began to move but I heard nothing. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my alarm clock going off. I laid still, staring at the opposite wall. The sound of my clock still buzzed in the background, but I didn't pay any attention, because you were all I could think about.

You're hanging on to something that isn't real.

And I'd continue to do so.

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