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I drove into the parking lot feeling nothing but rage and confusion. My tires screeched as I backed into a space, siting still as my fists began to pound on the steering wheel repeatedly. I pulled my key out from the ignition and shoved it into my pocket. Recklessly, I yanked open my door and climbed out, slamming it behind me.

My shoes stomped against the gravel, stepping up onto the curb and stalking down the sidewalk towards the entrance door. The expression I was carrying showed everything. I harshly pulled the reflective door open and entered.

"Mr. Schultz! We tried calling you yesterday bu−"

I breezed right by Anna's desk, ignoring her bewildered face.

"Alright then," she uttered.

My mind was intent on one thing only. Answers. I stood in front of the managing door. It was shut and I didn't bother knocking. No, I walked right in, already prepared for the accusations I was about to throw at him.

"You know her." My voice came out in what sounded like a growl.

Dr. Campbell jumped up from his seat behind his desk. He tore his glasses off and wrinkled up his forehead. I walked in closer, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Ezra, what is going o−"

"I need you to tell me exactly that. What is going on Dr. Campbell? I walk in to my niece's classroom this morning to drop her off," my hands moved around me angrily. "She tells me to put her drawing that she made on her new teacher's desk. Why is that? Because her new teacher is on a break. So what do I do? I go to the desk, I open up the supply drawer for some tape, and then I see a picture. Not just any picture, no. I see you. I see some woman. And then I see Theena."

Dr. Campbell froze. "I can explain, Ezra I really can. I was just trying to protect her−"

The door slowly cracked open. "I'm sorry Dr. Campbell, I told her you were in the middle of something but she didn't care," Anna's voice apologized behind me.

"And I said I don't care because it's supposed to be his lunch break," a sweet voice jokingly stated.

And when I heard that voice I was a dead man, because for the first time I was hearing that voice in person. The voice I had grown to love hearing in my dreams. That lovely, soft voice.

Dr. Campbell stood up from his chair. "Now Ezra, son, please don't turn around."

I didn't want to, I didn't want to because I didn't know if I could handle it well. But I turned around anyways. I turned to face a smiling Anna and then a familiar Theena. She looked at me oddly. She looked at me and I swear that a moment like this couldn't have come at such a bad time. But it did. I looked at my hands.

Am I dreaming? I asked myself three times.

I traced my palms. This is real. This is real. This is real. This. Is. real.


My legs buckled. I collapsed.

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