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↞ NINE ↠

A S I tried reading—Words, Whiskey, and a shovel—the beginning of Billy Joel's classic, She's always a woman, filled my ears. I forced myself to not become distracted as Theena started to dance awfully in a circle around the couch, trying hard to get me to give in and join her.

I peaked up slightly and held in a laugh when she starting twirling like a ballerina, my oversized vintage button up riding up her thighs with every fast move she made. Strands began to fall out from her pony tail, flying against her cheeks.

"She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes!" She sang along, off key. "She can ruin your faith with her casual lie! And she only reveals what she wants you to see! She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me!"

I placed my book on my lap and looked at her with the most goofiest lopsided smile. I mean I really looked at her. I was looking at her as everything she was and everything I could ever want. Everything I could ever need. Yes she was my dream girl and yes dream girls are usually perfect, which is exactly why they're called dream girls. But Theena wasn't perfect. And I didn't want perfect. I wanted her.

"She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you!" She was still spinning, I was surprised she hadn't gotten dizzy yet. "She can ask for the truth but she'll never believe you! And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free! Yeah she steals like a thief but she's always a woman to me!"

"Theena," I called.

"Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants! She's ahead of her time!"


She halted her spinning and turned towards me. "What?" She breathlessly asked.

I grinned, put my book down, and held my hand out. She raised her eyebrows, a large smile etching onto her heavenly face.

"So now you want to dance. I thought you'd never ask."

Her small hand clasped mine and she quickly yanked me up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then stepped up, placing her bare feet over top my shoes. My breath hitched. She situated her head into the crook of my neck, I could feel her soft lips against my skin lightly. I held her by the waist and began to sway.

As the melody flowed and the next few lines began, I pressed my lips to her ear. "She will promise you more than the Garden of Eden. Then she'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleedin'. But she'll bring out the best and the worst you can be. Blame it all on yourself cause she's always a woman to me."


"You did very good this time. Please, slowly open your eyes up."

I cracked my lids open carefully. Dr. Campbell chuckled. He seemed nervous. Why has he been acting so odd?

"You can sit up now," he smiled.

I pinched my nose and sat foreword.

"She liked Billy Joel?"

Nodding, I fumbled with my fingers. "How is all of this supposed to help me again?" I questioned.

How is making me remember supposed to help me understand anything?

"It will bring you closure Ezra. And comprehension. It will help you move on to better things. Find better things."

"Alright," I decided.

It wasn't alright.

Campbell adjusted his notebook and hesitantly gazed at me. "Have you ever thought about giving it a shot?"

"Giving what a shot?"

"Have you ever thought about putting yourself out there? To truly move forward you need to actually try."

The clock perched on his side table caught my eye. "Times up, maybe I'll answer next time."

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