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T H E taste of the ice cold strawberry daiquiri in my hand made me feel a lot more refreshed and less tense. I rubbed my knee and tried to keep myself calm. Joan's snack and bar was quiet at this time of day. I was glad for that.

"So you're taking off from work?"

I snapped my head up to the well put together woman in front of me. Her left eyebrow remained in an arched position, waiting for me to reply. Simone Azi would probably be the most intimidating person to a stranger, but once you got to know her she was anything but that.

"For a little. I mean, I've never really done it before and I just figured why not now." That answer surely sounded like it was steady enough in my ears.

"I call bull!"

I turned my gaze to the almost forgotten person sitting next to Simone. He was basically sitting on her, leaving no room for her to leave. Hell, Daniel was so dumb to his surroundings and blind to his doings that he didn't even realize how close he was. Simone looked incredibly flustered, at least I could tell by looking into her eyes. She really liked the jokester, not that he would ever notice.

"It's none of our business Dan," Simone spoke lowly.

"Whatever," he grumbled while playing with his tie. "I miss you man. Who's gonna warn me when Mr. Pratt comes to check on our division while I'm taking a nap? Certainly not Mrs. Prissy right here."

Simone rolled her eyes and ignored him. "My mom tells me you're in love. Is she the reason for this vacation?"

"I've gotta go to the bathroom," I said quickly, sliding myself out from the booth.

"Coward!" Daniel sung. "C'mon man we're spending our lunch break with you and this is how you repay us?!"

I chuckled nervously and moved foreword, walking past all of the tables and the large bar. My phone buzzed in my pocket, causing me to sigh and lift it out from my pants pocket. Of course it was a text message from Eliza questioning how my session went. Continuing on while swiping at the screen, I turned the corridor, managing to accidentally knock my shoulder into someone else turning out just as I was turning in. Mumbling an apology, I finished typing up my reply of a simple, it went good I probably wont even have to go again, and then looked up to open the men's bathroom door right next to the women's.


T H E E N A Iver rubbed at her shoulder as she walked back to the other side of the bar that was split with a large wall. Shaking her head, she smiled once reaching the tables she and her uncle had been sitting at.

"Guess it's time for you to head back to work huh?" Theena frowned.

"Sorry Thee bug," Thomas apologized, placing money overtop the bill. "You know I love spending time with you, and I know I should be there for you considering what happened between you and−"

"I'll go start the car," Theena cut off tightly.

"I−I'll go pay the bill."

With a nod, she left through the exit door nearest to where she stood hastily. Thomas mentally slapped himself and head over towards the bar. Walking behind the wall, he held his head high.

"Dr. Campbell?"

Thomas halted.


T H R O W I N G away the paper towel, I took a glimpse at my reflection quickly before opening up the door. When I turned the corridor someone walking behind the wall caught my eye.

"Dr. Campbell?"

I stared at the familiar man in front of me in confusion, he the same.

"This is awkward," I breathed out, breaking the silence.

Dr. Campbell seemed startled and a little bit freaked out. "Ah, Ezra? I was just enjoying a nice lunch."

"At a bar? Alone?" I joked again.

"Yep," he smiled, although it didn't reach his eyes. "I better go and pay the bill. My lunch break is just about over."

"Sorry, didn't mean to hold you back."

Campbell waved me off. "Nonsense. I feel like we are friends. Well, actually, friends certainly don't pay friends to help them."

I laughed and agreed. "See you later Dr Campbell."

"See you Ezra. I know our session wasn't that great today, but tomorrow will be better."

Campbell grinned before I could reply and turned, sauntering over to the cashier over at the bar counter. I swear I heard him say, "Check for two please."

I shook my head, feeling that I was much better off minding my own business.

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