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R O N N I E shoved the picture she made in my face, beckoning me to look at it. I laughed and pulled the paper from her tiny hands and held it to my viewing. Two stick figures stood in front of a tree side by side. A sun was setting behind everything.

"I made this for my teacher Mrs. I!"

I placed the precious drawing on my desk and lifted Ronnie up. She let out loud giggles and showed of her pearly white teeth.

"You're quite the artist Ron," I cheered.

She clapped and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thank you! Ms. I is my new teacher but apparently she's taking some time off," Ronnie pouted before smiling again. "Mrs. Simmons says not to worry because Ms. I will be back soon though!"

"Guess what Ron," Blake called over from the couch.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Your drawing su− OW! What the hell mom!" Blake rubbed at the back of his head and stared at Eliza in annoyance.

She stood up from the couch and flicked Blake's forehead. "You ruined a great moment! And watch your mouth."

Eliza ran a hand through her hair and turned towards me. "Anyways... I guess we better get going. I know you've got your session."

Much to Ronnie's dismay, I placed her back down and reached over to Eliza, pulling her in for a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow alright?" My voice came out muffled as I spoke into her shoulder.

Blake got up and fixed up his wrinkled flannel. His fluffy brown hair looked unkept, and the bags under his normally bright green eyes were a dead giveaway that he had stayed up the night before. I reached out to poke the freckle under his nose which caused him to swat at my hand and for Eliza to push me off her. Ronnie attached herself onto my leg and looked up at me.

"Get off of him you weirdo," Blake teased.


Eliza folded her arms and began to count to three. Ronnie knew that if her mother were to reach three, then that meant no ice cream. Of course Ronnie let go but not before letting out a blood curdling scream.

"Geez! Shut up!" Blake held his ears shut.

"We're leaving now. You're not behaving Ronnie. Let's go."

Ronnie's happy mood turned sour and she stomped over to the front door while sulking. Eliza gave me a look and followed. Blake rolled his eyes in annoyance and retreated behind his mom.

"See ya," he waved as they exited.

I looked at the time and decided that I should probably head out too. I looked down at my sweatpants and old college hoodie. I knew that I probably looked like a mess and I hadn't even eaten breakfast, but I didn't care.

Grabbing my keys and jacket, I walked over to the door and opened it widely. Stepping out, I shut the door and locked it. The air was cool today, it felt nice. I noticed Eliza waving at me through her car as she pulled out. I waved back.

"Your sister and her children are lovely as always Ezra!"

Laila was yet again standing in front of her door with newspapers in hand. She was such a free person, so kind and open minded. Her soul was pure and her personality made everyone around her feel happy.

"Thank you Laila."

"Simone tells me that you avoided her question yesterday at lunch about the girl," Laila smiled innocently.

"You're not getting anything out of me either Laila," I grinned.

There was nothing for them to get from me anyways. At least not about being with a girl. No, I was alone. When I was younger I would have been content in never finding someone special to share myself with, but now? I longed for only one girl.

"Give it a few more days I'm telling you."

I was suddenly confused. "What do you mean?"

Laila placed a hand on her hip. "The African spirits share great things with me in my sleep," she answered in a hushed tone before entering her house quickly.

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